Midorima Shintarō ↣ I'll Miss You

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'Shintarō!' You called out to him, waving your hand.

Once you've reached him, he greeted you a 'good morning' and continued walking with you beside him.

You both were walking quietly for a few minutes until he spoke up.

'Today's your last day, nanodayo.' he said, looking away from you.

'Don't make it sound like I'm dying,' I joked, 'I'm only going away for a few weeks'

You told Midorima 2 days ago that you were going to be leaving for Hokkaido for 4 weeks to visit your grandparents, whom you haven't seen in a while.

'Y-Yeah. I'll m... ...ou' he mumbled.

'What was that, Shin?' you said, looking at him.

'I-It's nothing, n-nanodayo. Walk faster or we'll be late!' He said, getting flustered all of a sudden.

He started walking faster, leaving you behind.

'Shintarō! Wait for me, you carrot!' You yelled, trying to catch up to him.


'Good work today, everyone! I'll see you all tomorrow!' Your teacher said.

You placed your book and pencil case inside your bag and made your way to the school gate. You then saw Midorima waiting for you.

'Don't you have practice?' You asked when you got to where he was standing.

'I-I wanted to s-spend time w-with you' he said, a noticeable blush on his face.

'Where's the "nanodayo" at the end, Shin-chan?' You teased him.

'U-Urusai. Let's go' he said, looking straight ahead as he held your hand.

You blushed at his action and walked beside him.

After a few minutes of walking, you realised that he wasn't going in the direction of where your house is.

'Where are we going?' You asked.

'I'm taking you to out to eat since I'm not gonna be able to spend time with you over the next few weeks' he said.

You just looked at him in surprise since this is one of the very few times that you see him act like this.

He made eye contact with you and suddenly looked away. He felt his face heat up.

'N-Not that I a-actually wanted t-to take y-you out. T-Takao told m-me to?,' he said - more like questioned himself, 'Y-Yeah. He t-told me to. I-I don't even want to s-spend time with you, n-nanodayo!'

You just giggled at him. 'His tsundere side is coming out'.

'It's okay, Shintarō. It's nice having a date at a restaurant every once in a while. I'm pretty hungry too!' You said, wrapping your arm around his.

'I-I'll miss you, nanodayo' he quietly said.

'Hmm? May you please repeat that?' You asked.

'I-I said that I-I'll miss you' he sighed, looking down.

He stopped walking and so did you. You looked at him to see what was wrong and saw the he was still looking down.

'Shintarō' you said, trying to get him to look up.

'Shin' you tried again.

'Midorima Shintarō' you yelled, making him look at you.

'What?' He said, turning his head to the other side.

You placed your hands on both sides of his face and made him look directly at you.

'I'm only gone for a few weeks, Shin. We can message, call, and Skype each other, you know?' You said, not removing your hands from his face.

'Besides, it's not like I'm gonna find a hot dude and run away with him,' You said, making Midorima's worry go away, 'but even if I do find one, I'm not gonna leave you for him because you know why?'

'W-Why?' He asked.

'Because I love you and only you' You said, taking your hands off his face and placing them on his chest.

He finally turned to look at you directly in the eyes. He placed his hands on your cheeks then he started to lean in but stopped when your foreheads were touching each other.

'I-I love you too' He said before kissing you.

After a few seconds, you both pulled away. You grabbed his hand, intertwining it with yours and said, 'Now, now, you must be hungry right now but I'm hungrier! May we please go now?'

'You're always hungry, nanodayo' he said, fixing his glasses with his other hand.

He started to walk with you to the restaurant, hands still intertwined.

'And then after we eat, we can go to my house to hang for a while because I'm gonna miss you so much, Shintarō!' You said, smiling at him.

'Y-Yeah. I'm gonna m-miss you too' He said, kissing your forehead.

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I think he was OOC in this one but nonetheless hope you guys enjoyed it!

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