Hayama Kotarō ↣ Chickens

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"I got it from a chicken when we had a school trip to the farm!" Hayama said quite loudly.

"Really?" You giggled.

Both of you were currently laying on the hammock in his backyard. Hayama's telling you stories about his childhood since you wanted to know more about him. As of right now, he's telling you a story about how he got the small scar on his finger. (I know that he doesn't have one but pretend he does for now)

"I started chasing one because I find it pretty funny when they start to scram. Out of nowhere, the chicken started making these - these - these weird noises. There were so many of them that appeared! Me against, like, 30 chickens! They started to peck me one by one, but being the man that I am, I started to fight them back! There was this one that pecked me roughly on my finger and that's why this happened." He showed me his pointer finger.

"And how old were you when this happened?" You raised a brow at him.

"Hmm." He put his chin between his pointer finger and thumb. "I was about 5 when I got the scar!"

"Mhmm, now tell me what really happened."

"It pains me to know that you don't believe my chicken story!" He put a hand to his chest, acting like he was hurt.

You rolled your eyes at his actions. "Come on, I'm pretty sure the people who worked there would stop you from chasing the chicken. Also, your teacher would've kept you in line, Ko-kun!"

"You're such a mean girlfriend, (N/N)-chan!" He pouted as you lightly laughed at him.

"Okay, so what really happened is... I slipped on mud since I was, um, you know, very energetic-"

"You still are." You interrupted him.

"It's rude to interrupt, (N/N)-chan! Anyways, the chicken's beak grazed my finger when I fell. It was really close to me too!" He abruptly sat up and hovered over you. Trapping you in-between his arms.

He leaned in. "The chicken was this close to my face!"

You could feel his breath since he was so close to you. "W-Wow, th-that's very n-near, Kotarō" you managed to say.

"Yeah, it was! But not close enough to cause me agony." He then closed the gap between you both. His lips perfectly matching yours.

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I got the idea from this book I'm reading called 'Geek Girl' and I thought it would fit Hayama perfectly because he's an energetic ball of sunshine (^∇^)

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