Imayoshi Shōichi ↣ Betrayal

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You fumingly walked through the halls of Tōō Academy with clenched fists and a very deadly glare. Everyone saw how angry you were at the moment and cleared a path for you – they knew not to get involved whenever you were mad.

You arrive at your destination, forcefully sliding the door open to your boyfriend's classroom. The door made a huge bang as it hit the side, everyone's attention was now on you. You scan the room for Imayoshi, becoming even angrier that he wasn't there. Everyone was silent – they could sense your aura, like a grenade waiting to explode.

"I t-think Imayoshi-san i-is at the rooftop with Aomine-san if you're l-looking for him!" A timid voice decided to speak.

Without even thanking the person, you made your way to the rooftop where Imayoshi was said to be in. Opening the door, you climb up the stairs.

And there he is in all his glory.

Aomine looked at your form, you were too calm for his liking and sensed that something must be wrong.

"The calm before the storm," Aomine quietly chuckles to himself. "Well, captain! I've got to get going now, nice talking to you... I guess."

With that, Aomine got up and headed down, leaving you and Imayoshi alone. Not one of you spoke for the next few minutes until you couldn't take it anymore.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself, Imayoshi Shōichi?" you said, crossing your arms against your chest.

"Eh? Did I do something wrong, (Y/N)-chan?" He replied, eyebrows raised.

If he's not going to own up to his mistakes then I'm telling him off!

"I thought our relationship was supposed to be based on love! On trust, Shōichi!" you said.


"I thought... I thought our relationship was going strong..."


"I thought wrong, did I? I can't even trust you anymore!"

"I seriously have no ide-"

"Shut up, Shōichi! You told me you loved me! You told me you cared! Then why... Why would you do that?" you said, looking at him with sad eyes.

Imayoshi looked at you, confused at what's happening. He hasn't done a single thing to hurt you, he wouldn't dare to. Unless it was about...

'Ah, it's definitely about that.' Imayoshi thought, smirking to himself.

"(Y/N), I told you I was sorry didn't I?" He spoke, walking over to you.

"Stay where you are, Shōichi! I'm warning you!" you said with such fierceness, pointing a finger at him.

He grabbed your hand and spun you around. Now, you're back was against his chest while he held your arm. He smiled, leaning down to kiss your cheek.

"No! You don't get to kiss me, you idiot! Let me go!" you protested.

You tried to escape Imayoshi's hold – keyword: tried, but he was too strong compared to you. You stopped struggling, but still held a glare.

"Come on, (Y/N)! Talk to me!"

You ignored him, averting your head in the opposite direction when he tried to take a look at your face. After a few minutes of Imayoshi begging you to talk to him, he sighed.

He hugged your form tighter, "Alright, alright. I'll buy you more (Favourite Snack) if that will get you talking. You happy now?"

You nodded, "I'm still mad at you though, for betraying me like that... It was the last packet of (Favourite Snack), Shōichi! The last one! And you just had to take it!"

"Hai, hai~ I already told you I'm sorry and that I'm buying you more," Imayoshi said.

"You're mean." you said.

"And you're troublesome." He retorted.

"... But you still love me though... Right?" you hesitantly asked.

"Yeah... A lot actually." Imayoshi replied seriously, kissing the top of your head.

"Good. Because I love you too, a lot."

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