Kagami Taiga ↣ Cute

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'Do you need help with that?' Kagami asked, appearing beside you.

'No, it's alright. I can handle it,' you smiled.

'Eh? what kind of boyfriend will I be if I let you carry that?' Kagami smirked, taking your bags away from you.

'I can handle myself, Bakagami!' you whacked his arm and took your bag from him... well, tried to.

'I know you can but I'm carrying them,' he said then ran to the bus with your bags.

You smiled as you shook your head then continued walking to the bus.

You got on the vehicle and quickly looked for Kagami. You walked to his seat as soon as you spotted him.

'Saved the seat beside the window for you since I know you'll complain,' he smiled.

'You know me so well, Taiga,' you said, wiping an imaginary tear away from your eye.

You sat beside him and got your phone out of your pocket. You then looked at the photos that you and the basketball team took.

You were scrolling through your gallery but stopped when you saw a photo of you and Kagami. Smiling, you set the photo as your lock screen.

'What are you smiling about?' Kagami poked your cheek.

'I just saw a photo of us, that's all,' you flashed a smile, making him blush.

'Is everyone here?' Kagetora asked.

'Hai,' everyone replied.

'We didn't forget Kuroko, did we?' Riko looks around the bus.

'No, I'm right here, Coach,' Kuroko said.

'Okay, we'll be leaving now then!' Riko said, nodding to her dad.

You put your phone away as soon as the bus started moving. Looking outside the window, you saw snowflakes falling down.

'You really like snow, don't you?' Kagami asked, watching you look out the window.

You just nodded your head, focusing on the snow.

Minutes later, you started feeling dizzy. You get carsick quite often so you laid your head against the window. (if you don't then pretend you do for now >.<)

'Are you okay, (Y/N)?' Kagami put his hand on your shoulder.

'Hm? Yeah, yeah. Just feeling a little dizzy, that's all,' you gently smiled at him.

'Must be carsick' Kagami thought.

'Rest your head on my shoulder, it'll probably be a lot more comfortable than leaning on the window,' Kagami said.

'Thanks, Taiga,' you laid your head on his shoulder, making yourself comfortable.

'Just rest, I know you're pretty tired from the trip,' Kagami said, kissing your head.

'Mm' you replied, dozing off.


The bus shook a bit, making you wake up. You realised that Kagami put his jacket over the both of you since it got cold.

'Hm? (Y/N)?' Kagami whispered, lifting his head off of yours.

'Sorry, did I wake you up?' you asked.

'You kinda did, it's alright though,' Kagami smiled.

He then held your hand, intertwining them with his own, 'I love you'

'I love you too, Taiga,' you said, softly squeezing his hand.

You laid your head against his shoulder again, making him rest his one on your head. Closing your eyes, you dozed off.


'Look at them! So cute!' Koganei whispered, taking a photo of the both of you.

'Shh, they might wake up if you're that loud, Koga,' Kiyoshi whispered.

'H-Huh?' Kagami said, waking up.

'See what you've done!' Riko said, hitting Koganei on the back of his head.

'G-Guys? W-What are you all d-doing?' Kagami said, beginning to become flustered.

'Kagami-kun, don't move too much. Be careful not to wake (L/N)-san' Kuroko said.

'I am careful! Why are you all here anyway?' Kagami asked.

'To take photos of the both of you!' Kiyoshi gave a gentle smile.

Kagami's face suddenly reddened.

'They're the perfect pear aren't they?' Izuki said, adding a 'good job, me!' at the end.

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