Chapter 8

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Other than saying hey to me, Justin didn't talk to me the whole ride. Him and Matthew were to busy singing Hills, off key.

Two hours later we pulled up to the parking lot next to the beach.

When we got down to the beach the first thing Matthew and Justin did was go over and flirt with some girls playing volleyball. While I took my beach chair to the edge of the water, wanting to feel the water on my feet.

"Need some company?" A deep voice behind me asked. I turned around in my chair to see a shirtless Justin. Damn. I turned back around and did what he did to me the whole ride here, the silent treatment. "I'll take that as a yes." He said, pulling his beach chair up right next to me.

I peeked over at Justin to see his head tilt back, towards the sun, eyes closed. I noticed the bridge of his nose was crooked, probably from having it broken. I then moved my eyes down to his chest. Out of all his tattoos only one of them stood out to me, the one on his side. It was a vine of roses that led from the top of his ribs to above his v line.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you it's not nice to stare?" Justin said, with his eyes still closed.

I turned away from him and stayed silent. "Look Taylor, im sorry about what happened in the kitchen and the bathroom. Can we just forget about it and start over?" He asked me. I looked over at him before responding with more silence.

I don't want to forget.

"Sure." I said after awhile. "So we can start over?" He asked. I looked over at him and nodded. "Yeah, my name is Taylor Renee Mahan. What's yours?" I asked.

"Justin Lee Scott, nice to meet you." He said laughing.

"So, how old are you?" He asked. "17, but I'm turning 18 in April." I responded. "What about you?" I said. I looked over at two kids building sand castles while I waited for Justin's answer.

"20." He finally said.

*Justin's POV*

"Oh." She said after I told her my age. She didn't seem surprised though. I couldn't help but notice her long, slightly tanned legs that lead up to a perfect body, and gorgeous face. I loved the color of her eyes, I could stare at them forever.

I wish she had her hair down, I loved how it fell over her shoulders, and down her back. I just wanna run my hands through it.

Oh get a grip Justin!

"So what's your favorite movie?" Taylor randomly asked. "The vist, what about you?" I said back.

"The longest ride." She said dreamy.

"Who was your first boyfriend?" I asked her. "Austin Thompson, we dated for a couple months before he left me for my ex best friend." She said, frowning.

"I can kick his ass for you?" I suggested. That seemed to make her smile. "Nah, Matthew already did that." She said smiling, probably remembering that moment.

"What about you, any girlfriends?" She asked. "A couple." I said.

I thought I saw a look of jealousy in her eyes before it disappeared. "What about your first?" She asked. Amber Moore. "This girl I met in Middle school, we dated til freshman year. She moved away and we lost contact." I said. "Oh, I'm sorry." Taylor said.

I looked over at her, there was a piece of hair that escaped her bun, that was now in her face. I reached over and placed the strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm over it." I said, bringing my hand back.

"Hey guys." Matthew said plopping down next to Taylor. "I say we go to Mr. Crab's for lunch, what do yall think?" Matthew said. "That sounds good." I responded.

"Well I'm going in the ocean, Justin you coming?" He said. "Yeah, what about you?" I asked Taylor.

"I'm going to stay here and tan." She said, pulling her shorts off. Then she pulled her shirt over her head, reveling her half naked body. Her perfect curves and a belly ring. Fuck.

I quickly jogged after Matthew towards the water, wanting to hide the bulge in my swim trunks.

*Taylor's POV*

After the beach we went out for lunch at Mr. Crab's, one of the many restaurants along the board walk.

"Thank you." I said to the man that held the door open for me as we entered the restaurant. We got a booth next to a window that views the beach. Matthew sat across of me, while Justin sat next to me.

A waitress walked over to our table with some menus. She was tall and blonde, and her uniform was a little too tight. She had the top buttons of her uniform undone, exposing some cleavage. She handed us our menus while she chewed her gum very loudly.

She gave Matthew and Justin flirty looks while she glared at me. "We'll all have sweet tea." Matthew said to the waitress, smiling at her.


After she left Justin looked over at me and snickered. "What a slut." I whispered to him. "Your brother doesn't think so." He chuckled.

After awhile the poor excuse of a waitress came back with our drinks. When she sat Matthew's drink down, she gave him an eye full of boobs. "Are you ready to order?" She asked Matt, ignoring me and Justin.

"Yeah I'll have a cheese burger with extra cheese." He said winking. At the same time me and Justin busted out laughing.

"I will have the grilled chicken salad, in case you were wondering." I said louder than necessary. "Yes and I will have the bbq chicken." Justin said after me. The waitress scribbled some stuff down before giving Matt a wink, then leaving.

"Extra cheese?" I asked Matthew, laughing.

After lunch we packed up and headed home.


My phone's screen lit up letting me know someone texted. I unlocked my phone to see a text from Andrew.

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