Chapter 10

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*Justin's POV*

"Anyone home?" I called from the doorway.

Last Tuesday I left my jacket at Andrew's so I stopped by after work to get it.

"Andrew." I called, walking into the house. I started to walk up the steps when I heard someone scream, "Help! Somebody please!" Taylor? I quickly climbed the stairs and ran to Andrew's room. I opened the door to see Andrew on top of Taylor, pinning her hands above her head. Kissing her chest while she cries. Without thinking I grabbed Andrew's shirt and pulled him off of her, punching him in the face repeatedly.

"Justin stop!" Someone yelled.

I was blinded with anger, all I could see was him on top of her. Taylor's sobbes stopped me from killing Andrew, instead I threw him to the ground and walked over to Taylor. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my chest.

"Taylor, did he hurt you?" I asked her.

"Yes, h-he tried, tried to rape me." She chocked out. I noticed the bruises on her face and her ripped shirt. I took off my shirt and put it over her so she wasn't exposed, then I scooped her up and left the house.

"Thank you." I heard her whisper.

A couple minutes later we pulled up to my empty house. As soon as we both got out the car I grabbed her hand and lead her inside. She didn't try to pull away as I lead her to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

I looked down at her to see her blushing. "Why are you blushing?" I asked her. Her face became even more red as she answered, "you don't have a shirt on." I just laughed as I looked at her face becoming more red, if that was even possible.

Her eyes were red from crying, and her make up was running. Her hair was a mess and she had bruises on her face, but she was still beautiful.

"Okay, well you can take a shower here, there is clean towls in the closet, and I will get you some clothes." I said leaving.

*Taylor's POV*

After Justin left the bathroom I dared to look in the mirror. I gasped when I saw bruises on both sides of my face. My eyes were red from crying, and my mascara was running, not to mention how bad my hair looked.

No wonder Justin wants me to take a shower.

After Justin brought some clothes back I locked the door and stripped. I was to tired to stand so I decided on a warm bath. Before getting into the water I got a baby wipe and whipped my face clean, then put my hair into a bun.

I lowered myself into the steamy water, loving how my muscles relaxed instantly. I sat there for a few minutes thinking about the events of today.

I almost got rapped by Andrew, but I didn't because Justin saved me. Why would Andrew do that to me? He was so sweet and caring. Then again I only knew him for like a week.

My fingers started to get wrinkly from the water so I decided to get out. I carefully dried myself off before putting Justin's big, dark blue shirt on, that went mid thigh. Then I slipped my undies back on with a pair of his shorts. I pulled the strings tight so they would stay on. I left my bun in as I left the bathroom to search for Justin.

I found Justin in the kitchen eating out of a box of pizza. "I got cheese." He said, not even looking up.

"That's fine, but I should probably get home." I said. He looked up at me with raised eyebrows, "you're going home with bruises on your face. Do you have any idea how Matthew will react?" He said, sounding angry, but he wasn't angry at me. He was angry at the marks on my face Andrew gave me.

"He is going to find out sooner or later." I said. "He will find out, but not right now, you need to rest." He said, leaving no room to argue.

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