Chapter 29

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Warning: sexual content! (Spoiler)

How was I gonna ask Justin to prom?

I decided to ask Matthew for help. He was in his room eating pizza and watching tv. "Hey could you help me?" I asked. "Yeah, what's up."

"I wanna ask Justin to prom but I don't know how."

"I'm gonna give you some valuable advice. Guys like pizza." He said, lifting a slice up.

"Um okay?"

"Okay so here's what you do." He started. I should take notes.

I got everything ready and headed over to Justin's house to pop the question. Natalie was coming with me to film. "This is exciting!" She squealed. I knocked on the door and held the pizza box out in front of me. Thankfully Justin answered the door, "Hey, what are you doing here with.... pizza?"

"Open it." I smiled. Natalie was behind me filming while Justin opened the box. Inside I wrote, 'will you go to prom with me or is this too cheesy?'. Inside was also an extra cheesy pizza. Justin smiled, "yes I would love too."

I smiled and kissed him while he maneuvered the box of pizza to his side. He deepened the kiss and wrapped his arm around my waist as I was resting my hands on his chest. Finally we pulled away to catch our breath. "I'm wearing navy blue by the way."

"Good." He smiled.

After that we all ate the pizza and I showed him pictures of the dress, which he liked.

Finally prom night was here. I took a long shower and made sure to shave. I then blow dried my hair and rubbed lotion on my legs and arms. I curled my hair and put the top half up in a do, then put the silver head band on. I did a light makeup with silver eyelids and winged eyeliner and nude lipstick. I adored my ears with simple diamonds before slipping on my dress. I pulled on my silver heels and called Natalie.

"Are we meeting up there?" I asked.

"Yeah. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'll send you a picture." I took a quick mirror picture and sent it to her. "Awee my baby girl is growing up." She cooed. I rolled my eyes, "How did you do your hair?"

"I put it up in a bun, what about you?"

"Half up do with the head band." I said.

"Oooh cute. Okay I gotta go, I'll see you there honey."

"Okay, byee." And with that I hung up. I walked out my room to have dad and Matthew surround me with cameras. "Come on guys." I whined.

"My little girl is growing up." Dad cried, hugging me. Matthew continued to take pictures. "Remember to use protection tonight." Matt said. I gasped and dad slapped him on the chest, "enough of that now."

We all headed down stairs when we heard the knock on the door. Matthew opened the door for Trudy, Justin, and Gabby to come in.

"My lord look at you darling!" Trudy cried, giving me a hug. "You look pretty." Gabby said. "Thank you princess." I said, getting down on her level to give her a hug.

Justin gave me a quick peck on the lips since our parents were in the room. "You look beautiful baby." He whispered to me. Justin looked good too in his all black tuxedo and navy blue tie. He was holding the box with the flower thingy in it, which was white and light blue.

"You clean up nicely." I replied. He smiled and kissed me again.

"Okay kids let's take some pictures." Dad interrupted. Me and Justin took pictures together first, then with his mom, then with Gabby, then with my dad, and last with Matthew. Justin put the corsage on my wrist and we took one last picture before leaving.

We met Natalie and Brandon at the restaurant for preprom dinner. Did I forget to mention that she asked him to prom? Well she did, #girlpower.

Natalie's baby pink dress was stunning on her. We squealed and hugged while Justin and Brandon did the man hug. We decided to eat at a mexican restaurant in town. We laughed and ate good food before heading off to the school. They decorated the gym into a frozen wonderland. I greeted some of my friends before the first dance started.

"Knock knock." Justin said while we were dancing. I couldn't help but laugh, "Who's there?"

"Interrupting cow." He said.


"Moooo!" He said, busting out laughing. We started to get stares from the other couples but I didn't care. I was here with Justin, dancing in a winter wonderland. The night ended quickly with him leading me to his house. We tip toed up to his room so we wouldn't wake up his mom or Gabby.

Once inside his room I pulled his tie off and pushed his jacket off his shoulders, ripping his dress shirt off as I hungrily kissed him. Our kisses slowed down until he turned me around and unzipped the upper part of my dress, slipping it off. He also unhooked my bra and took it off, followed by my skirt and heels.

Justin kissed down my neck until he had my hard nipple in his mouth. I moaned out, "Justin."

"You gotta be quite Baby girl, okay?"

"Okay." I breathed out. He laid me down on his bed and removed his pants. He crawled on top of me and kissed my bare chest, then my stomach , and finally my covered core. He hooked is fingers on the sides of my panties and dragged them down my legs. "Finally I can finish what I started." He said, reminding me of that heated moment in my room.

He slipped a thick finger in to my wet core and started to finger me. I tried to keep my moans quite until he added and extra finger.

"Baby." I moaned. "Shh." He whispered, looking at me with hungry eyes. When he removed his fingers and his boxers a silent agreement passed through us. Tonight was the night. He pulled out a condom and slipped it on.

He settled in between my legs and gave me a soft kiss before sticking the tip in. I gasped as he fully entered me, he was big. The pinching pain wasn't as bad as I expected for my first time. I held on tight as he made love to me, surely leaving scratches on his back. He thrusted back in forth, getting faster , but keeping it gentle. "Baby!" I moaned into his shoulder. "It's okay, let go baby." He said, as he rubbed my swollen pearl and continued to fuck me.

I could feel the build up as he kept on his assault. I met his every thrust, desperate to release. Justin started kissing and biting my neck, probably leaving hickies. "I'm gonna cum." I gasped, realizing that I was at the top about to fall. "Ahh." Justin swallowed my moan with a kiss, as I wrapped my legs around him. He didn't last long after that. He empited in to the condom then pulled out to dispose of it.

We were both sweaty and had achy muscles as we laid there. "That was amazing." I whispered. "You have no idea." He said kissing me. He got up and came back with a towl to clean me up. The soarness between my legs was a dull pain as Justin slipped back in to bed and gathered me in his arms. He quickly fell asleep from exhaustion as I laid there.

We finally did it. Did this mean I loved him? I dont know, but I couldn't imagine a life without him. I closed my eyes and allowed the exhaustion to consume me.

Well they finally did the dirty. A few more chapters left until the ending!!!

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