Chapter 22

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I woke up to the sun glaring in my eyes. "Ughh." I groaned, throwing my arm across my eyes. "Morning sunshine!"


Justin was standing over my bed with a smile on his face. "What the hell Justin?"

"I thought I'd wake you up. We're having breakfast with my mom and sister in a hour."

"I only have a hour to get ready?"


I jumped out of bed and rushed past Justin to my bathroom to take a fast shower, then blow dry my hair. I slipped into a red sundress and sandals while leaving my hair down. "You look beautiful." He complimented. He took my hand and we walked downstairs. Natalie and Matthew were too busy on the couch making out to bid us goodbye.

"Are you nervous?" Justin asked on the way to his house. "A little bit. Do you think she'll like me?"

"I know she will love you, especially my sister. She will probably show you her Barbies and what not."

"What's her name?"


"That's a beautiful name." I commented.

"It is." He agreed. We pulled up to Justin's beautiful white house, cutting off the conversation. I got out and waited for Justin to join me until we made the nerve shattering walk to the front door. I've been in his house before but without his mom and sister there.

A blonde beauty came running out the house and into Justin's arms. She was a skinny thing with blonde curly hair and a princess dress on. This must be Gabby. "Is she your girlfriend?" The little girl asked. I choked on my spit and covered it up with a nervous chuckle. "This is Taylor." Justin introduced. Gabby stuck out her hand for me to shake, "I'm Gabriella, it's a pleasure to meet you." I shook her little hand and smiled, "a pleasure indeed."

"Come on, let's go inside." Justin interrupted.

The butterflies in my stomach seemed to fly up to my throat. Oh god. Justin and Gabby's mom was tall with very tan skin and brown hair. She was gorgeous. She was also currently flipping pancakes. I cleared my throat to get rid of the butterflies and itchiness. The lady turned around to face us with a big smile, "hello, I'm trudy."

My voice caught in my throat.

"This is Taylor." Justin introduced me. I waved awkwardly, "hi."

Seriously a wave? Oh give me a break it's his MOTHER!!

"I have heard so much about you from him. His words did not do you justice, you are absolutely beautiful. Well of course he did describe you as beautiful but you hear that stuff all the time. But seeing you darling, you are beyond beautiful. Now I see why my son is so smitten with you. There I go rambling, you'll have to excuse me."

His mother was nice thank god.

"It's fine, but thank you." I mumbled. Justin's face was flamming red from his mother's words. He said Iwas beautiful. He told his mother I was beautiful. Gabby grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the kitchen. 

"Gabby brin- " Justin started. "I'll be fine." I stopped him. Gabby continued to lead me through the house until we got to a room filled with pink. Yes I know this sounds like a cliché, but it was seriously covered in pink. Her walls were baby soft pink while her bed was a dark pink with black poka dots; The rest of the furniture was white.

"I love your room."

"Thanks. Jus and me painted it. You wanna see my barbies?"


"Taylor, Gabby, come on breakfast is ready." Justin called about half an hour later.

The pancakes Trudy made were divine. Especially with the warm blueberries in them. We kept a steady conversation going all through out breakfast until it was time to leave.

"I hope to see more of you Taylor. It was such a pleasure having you. Oh I almost forgot, would you like to join us Sunday? We go downtown to this lovely church, Heritage Baptist."

"Mom." Justin started.

"Oh hush. I hope I didn't offended you, I mean if you're not religious its perfectly fine and I'm probably just rambling on like an old hen."

"I would love to go." I said. I really would love to spend more time with Justin and his family. I'm not that religious but I do believe in God. I haven't been to church since three years ago on Easter.

"Fantastic! Justin will give you my number and you call me whenever dear. Especially if this one gets out of line." Trudy continued. I adored his mom already. I wonder what happend to his dad. Obviously his mom is a wonderful lady, she had to have found someone.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Trudy."

"Likewise my dear."

Gabby hugged my leg, "bye Tay." My heart melted. I bent down to give her a proper hug. "Goodbye princess."

Justin drove me to the ice cream parlor before taking me home. "I had a great time." I said, licking my strawberry ice cream. "I'm glad you got to meet them. I wanted my girls to get along." His girls. "Your girls?" I asked. "Yeah. You're my girl."

"Oh." I smiled. His girl. But not his girlfriend.

A text message popped up on my phone.

'Where are you?' -Natalie

'With Justin otw home. Why?'

'Can you come over, me and Matt had a fight.' -Natalie

'Okay. I'm coming.'

What could they have gotten into a fight about? "Everything okay?" Justin asked. "Yeah, could you drop me off at Natalie's?"

"Of course love."

I kissed Justin goodbye and walked up to Natalie's house. Her mom and siblings weren't home so I walked up to her bedroom. I found her watching Pretty Woman and eating ice cream out of the container. "This must be serious if you got the ice cream out."

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