Chapter 11

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By the time we finished eating it was dark outside. "I'm just gonna go sleep on the couch." I mumbled, heading towards the living room. "No, you're sleeping with me." Justin said, turning the lights off. "But, I can sleep her-" I started before Justin cut me off. "No come on." He said, leaving me in the dark. Not wanting to be left in the dark kitchen I followed him into his room.

When I got to his room he was taking off his shirt, reveling his sculpted sun kissed chest. When he climbed into bed I noticed a cross tattoo on his shoulder blade. "You coming?" He called from under the covers.

Thankfully he couldn't see me blushing in the dim lighting as I crawled into bed. Instantly the smell of axe and male surrounded me as I laid next to Justin. I felt Justin pull me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me right before I drifted off.


I woke up to the sound of someone snoring. I blinked my eyes open just to be blinded by the sun. "Ughh." I groaned, as I tried to turn away from the light. When I opened my eyes for the second time I came face to face with Justin. His lips only inches away from my own. I turned away from his tempting lips and tried to get out of bed. Only to be dragged back down by Justin wrapping his arms around me tightly. He buried his face into my neck, inhaling deeply before continuing to snore.

As I laid in Justin's arms I thought about yesterday. SHIT! Matthew must be wondering where I am, and why I didn't come home last night.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Justin moving. "Taylor." He moaned, pulling me closer to him. Did he just moan my name? After a while he went back to snoring, but kept his tight hold on me. I soon found myself drifting off too.

"Your man on the road, he doin promo
You said,"keep our business on the low-low."
I'm just trying to get you out the friend zone
Cause you look even better in the photos." Went Justin's phone.

"Ughhh." Justin groaned, reaching over me to get his phone off the night stand. Once he retrieved his phone he laid back down next to me. I was still laying on his chest with his arm around me when he answered the phone.

"Yeah she's with me." He said to the other person on the phone while looking down at me. "Okay, bye man." He said hanging up. He let out a loud sigh before looking down at me. "That was Matthew."

"What did he say?" I asked, starting to panic.

What will I tell Matthew?

"Calm down, he said you weren't answering your phone and if I knew where you were. I said I had you and that it's a long story that you will, I mean we will explain over breakfast." He said in one breath.

"No I can't do this. He's going to be mad." I started to cry. Justin cupped my face, making me look up at him. "Matthew will not be mad at you, because it's not your fault." He said, wiping my tears away.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise." He agreed.

"I need clothes I said looking down."

"Alright just put your jeans back on and keep my shirt."

I started to protest cause Matthew would see I had his shirt on and assume. But Justin already had an answer. "We'll explain your shirt got ripped. It's okay don't worry."


Even though it was lunch time we decided to meet up at Ihop. Justin held my hand on the drive there, knowing I was nervous about facing Matthew. When we got there I pulled my phone out and turned the front camera on to see my face. Most of the bruises from yesterday turned yellow except for one on my right cheek that was still blue and black. My eyes where red from crying all night and my skin was pale.

I felt and looked like shit.

Justin was waiting for me to get out the car but I wasn't ready to get out yet. Noticing that I wasn't making any attempt to get out he opened my door and bent down next to me. He took both my hands into his and held them, giving them a slight squeeze. I relaxed a little as I looked into his eyes.

"You can do this Taylor. I'll be with you the whole time." He reassured me.

I didn't want to start crying again so I just nodded and got out the car. As soon as I was standing Justin pulled me into a hug. I buried my face into his chest trying to stop the tears from escaping. Justin smelled like cinnamon with something else added to it. Male.

After awhile he pulled back just enough to see his face. He wiped my tears away before he smiled down at me. "you're too pretty to cry."

Does he like me? No he's just being nice!

Justin took my hand and led me to towards the entrance of the restaurant. There were barely two people in the restaurant considering the time. "Taylor!" Someone called.

I turned around to see Matthew walking towards me. I didn't have time to react as Matthew attacked me in a hug, which included him picking me up and spinning us around. When he pulled away he saw the bruise on my face. He cupped my face and tilted it to look at the mark.

"Who fucking did this!" He roared.

I flinched at the sound of his voice and started to tear up again. "Hey calm down!" Justin said, moving in front of me. "Did you touch her!" Matthew accused Justin. "No! Andrew did. I went over to his house yesterday to get my jacket when I heard screaming. I ran upstairs to find Andrew holding Taylor down while he touched her. I pulled him off her and beat the shit out of him." Justin said, almost whispering it so no one else could hear it.

"Let's go sit down and eat." Justin continued.

I knew Matthew would be mad.

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