Chapter 2 ~ Rivendell

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The sound of rivers rushing and waterfalls cascading down upon the rocks around awoke me from my slumber. At first I thought I was still dreaming. The tall columns with such intricate designs tapped at an old memory. Then remembering what had transpired before I sit straight up and look around to see a few tall yet extremely good looking people standing around me all staring at me with wonder in their eyes. Amidst one of them was a fair skinned woman with long raven hair and icy blue eyes. 

A light smile covers her lips as she says, "Sut naa lle umien sina re?" I tilt my head at her in confusion and say, "I'm sorry?" 

Her smile fades a bit as she says, "Do you not speak Elvish?" 

My eyes widen as I glance around the room in worry, "No, I speak English. Where am I? What's going on?" 

I start to panic when a familiar voice says from behind her. "You are in the Elvish kingdom of Rivendell lost princess."

My eyes search for the voice and I turn to once again to the older man with the long scraggily grey beard. "Why am I here? I was supposed to be back home in (Y/H)."

 The older man looks around at the other elves and says, "Would you excuse us?" The elves minus the long raven haired one bow and quickly leave the room. "Now that it's just the three of us, how do you feel?" He asks and I roll my eyes as I say, "Well save for the fact I have no idea what happened or how I got here I'm a little freaked out."

 The girl looks at Gandalf with a confused look and he simply shrugs his shoulders as he says, "I believe you to be the long lost daughter of Galadriel Lady of light." I chuckle as I reach down and pinch myself to make sure I am really awake. 

"Why do you harm yourself?" The woman asks he voice beautiful and melodic. 

"I was just trying to make sure I wasn't dreaming; and much to my disappointment I am not." I glance back up at the wizard and say, "There has to be some sort of mistake, none of you are real, you're just characters from my favorite books."

"You spent a long time in that world of yours that you have no recollection of having lived in this one do you?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow as I say, "No, I read about you in a book series called The Hobbit and the lord of the rings. I read them when I was a child, that's how I know this must be another one of my hallucinations." 

"Hallucinations? How do you mean?" 

"I keep seeing Sauron or at least his eye, it started yesterday at school and even when I was running away from home." Gandalf looks at the dark haired woman then says something I do not understand and she quickly nods and leaves the two of us alone.

"Where is she going?" 

"To get her father, Lord Elrond;" My jaw drops as I realize who she is. 

"You mean that was Arwen?" 

He tilts his head slightly as he says, "How do you know her name?" 

I groan out in annoyance as I say, "I already told you a million times I read it in a book. I already know how everything plays out I know about how you-" I quickly pause I look up into the elder man's grey eyes and quickly decide against telling him about his death from the Belrog in Moria. "Anyway it doesn't matter if I know how everything turns out I can't stay here, I will undoubtedly mess with the time flow or something." 

"I Agree, knowing the future is a burden not even the slightest of elves can see." I turn to see a man with long dark hair standing next to Arwen and quickly come to the conclusion that he is Lord Elrond.

"I know that you also see fragments of the future, another thing I read." 

He smiles as he says, "It is true I do see fragments but to know the whole future that is a rare gift fitting of the princess of Lothlorien."

I look away from him as I say, "I'm no princess, and I'm just a freak who's lost from her own world." 

I am instantly aware of someone sitting on my bed and turn to see Elrond's shining grey eyes gazing into mine. "You are not a 'freak' whatever that word may mean, you are a beautiful creation of this world and one day you may find that you long to be here as much as this land longs to have you here." 

At the end of his words tears fill your eyes as you say, "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, thank you." He smiles as he reaches over and gently places his hand on mine.

"Now it is up to you, do you wish to learn the ways of the elf or do you wish to somehow find a way back to your world?"

 I look around at the three of them and with a smile say, "I want to stay." 

He smiles as he says, "Splendid, then Arwen will be your teacher. If you ever need anything do not hesitate to ask."

I smile as I say, "Thank you." 

Maybe living here would be more like a home than my own home had been for me these many years, and at least here I didn't feel like an outcast or unwanted. 

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