Chapter 15 ~ Haldir

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Lighting flashes and thunder rumbles through the skies. Rain starts to fall, the drops can be heard falling on the metal armour of Theoden and his soldiers. I look up to the sky and smile as the rain gently falls against my face. I take a deep breath before looking back out into the darkness. I glance beside me to see the scared faces of all the men and silently wish I could tell them that they would survive. As another flash of lightening fills the sky I see the massive amount of Uruk-hai draw closer.

I gulp down a breath of air as the sheer realization of what was about to happen hits me. "Don't worry lass," I hear Gimli say and I slowly look around Legolas toward him and give a forced smile. Suddenly I feel something touch my hand and looking down realize that it is Legolas. His fingers intertwine with mine as he stares out at the Uruk-Hai army with worry in his eyes. I stare at him in confusion before he suddenly turns toward me and says, "Av-'osto," Then without thinking I reach up and gently running my fingers through his hair say, "Na lû e-govaned vîn," Then I gently place a kiss upon his lips before I turn and quickly make my way away from him and to Haldir.

When I reach his side he glances at me and giving a quick bow says, "My Lady," I nod giving him a faint smile as the Uruk-hai reach Helms Deep. I watch as an Uruk captain stands on a rock and raises his hand. 

Aragorn walks amongst the lines of elves as he says, "A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas!" (Show them no mercy! For you shall receive none!) The Captain Uruk raises his hand and signals for the Uruk to stop moving forward. A silence fills the Fortress as the Uruks grunt and growl. 

"What's happening out there?" I hear Gimli say and I glance over toward then to see him jumping up and down trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening on the other side of the wall.

"Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" Legolas says and I smile as Gimli laughs. 

The Uruk-hai begin stamping their spears on the ground in unison and beating their chests. Aragorn takes out his sword and holds it in front of him. The men load their bows and draw them back ready to fire. An old man loses his grip on his arrow and it shoots an Uruk in the neck. Aragorn holds his hand up, "Dartho!" (Hold!) As the Uruk falls to the ground dead I say, "Oh shit," The others growl ferociously. The captain Uruk thrusts forward his scimitar and shouts and the Uruk-Hai advance upon Helm's Deep at a run.

"Tangado a chadad!" (Prepare to fire!) Aragorn shouts to the elves making them load and aim their bows. I draw my sword as Aragorn calls out, "Leithio i philinn!" (Release the arrows!) Arrows rain down on the Uruks and many fall dead. Suddenly more and more arrows fill the sky hitting the uruks killing many. Aragorn raises his sword to the elves on the ground behind the Deeping Wall and says, "Ribed bant!" (Full volley!

More Uruks fall from the onslaught of arrows, but more come. "Send them to me! Come on!" I hear Gimli say and I smile at his impatience. The Uruks begin to fire at the elves with their crossbows and I lift my hand shielding the elves from the onslaught of arrows. Other Uruks set ladders against the Deeping Wall and I cry out, "Pendraith!" (Ladders!) As I walk close to one of the ladders and taking a bow from my back start firing arrows down at the climbing Uruk-Hai.

"Good!" Gimli cries out as he readies his axe. The berzerker Uruks are raised on the ends of the ladders as they are pushed to the top of the Wall. 

"Swords! Swords!" Aragorn shouts to the elves causing them to unsheathe their swords. Aragorn, Legolas, Haldir, Gimli, Me and the elves fight and kill the berserkers as they appear. 

"Legolas! Two already!" I head Gimli cry out and I smile as gracefully bring my blade across the throat of and Uruk as Legolas replies with, "I'm on 17!" 

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