Chapter 8 ~ The Road Ahead

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That next morning while I was getting ready for my new adventure I turn at the sound of someone knocking on my door. "Yes?" I say and turn to see Elrond walk through the door a smile on his face. "What can I do for you?" I say as I grab my knapsack and start shoving things into it. 

"I came to return this to you," He says as he hands me my backpack from when I lived in my old world. 

"Where did you get this?" I ask as I take it my eyes wide in wonder. 

"It was found the same day you were, Gandalf thought it best if you were to have it now that you must take this journey." 

I pull it to my chest and fighting back tears say, "Thank you so much!"

He smiles and I instantly pull it away and opening it start to empty the contents out onto my bed. I smile as I move the schoolbooks around until my eyes fall upon my binder with pictures of my other parents taped to it. Tears threaten my eyes as I slowly reach down and picking the binder up gently touch the pictures. "Are these the people you spoke of?" He asks and I nod as I say, "Yes," 

"You look like a happy family," He says gently touching my shoulder. 

I suddenly feel anger fill my body and tossing the binder back onto the bed say, "Yeah, well looks can be deceiving."

I can sense he wishes to know more but he doesn't ask. I spot a familiar shiny object and my eyes light up as I instantly reach for it. "I can't believe this still has power?" I say as I turn on my IPod smiling as I see that the battery is completely charged. 

"What is this?" Elrond asks his eyes full of wonder. 

I smile as I hand him a earpiece and say, "Put this in your ear," Raising an eyebrow the elder elf slowly places the earpiece into his ear and I smile as I say, "Now let's find something less hardcore," swiping through my music I find "The Parting Glass" sung by Peter Hollens and smile as I press the play button. As the song begins his eyes widen and he stares at me confused.

"Where I am from we have thousands of singers and millions of songs. So the smart people of my world invented this little device to record it all on. That way when you need a song to make you feel better you have one at the touch of a button." I say as I turn the IPod back off and take the headphones from him. 

"It is an interesting invention I must say." He says as he turns back to the contents of my bag. I gently place the IPod into my pocket for safekeeping and then return to my backpack.

Picking up my sketchbook I smile as I flip through the pages. "Who is this?" Elrond asks once I land on a drawing that even I didn't remember who it was. 

"I don't know, I've seen him in my dreams but I've never actually met him." Elrond nods as he reaches down and picks up a algebra book. Closing the sketchbook I quickly place it into my knapsack and glancing over at him smile. "I don't think you'd like that book, and then again you might."

I smile as I pick up all my school books and handing them to him say, "You might like all of these, it's the history of my country, great literature, and science. Well maybe the science will be a little out of your league; but hey have at it. I'm not going to need them anymore." He nods as he gently lays the books back on my bed as he says, "I wish that you would change your mind, but knowing you like I do I know better." 

I smile as I turn and wrapping my arms around him say, "Na lû e-govaned vîn." I feel his arms tighten around me and tears threaten to fill my eyes.

Pulling away I grab my knapsack and giving him a quick smile head off to where the fellowship was supposed to meet. When I arrive I am greeted by the smiles of Merry and Pippin who instantly wave to me. I quickly walk over to them and letting out a grateful sigh say, "Finally I get to wear pants." Pippin chuckles and I glance over to see Merry blush as he says, "I thought you looked very beautiful in your dress." 

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