Chapter 6 ~ Aragorn

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Strider, Merry, Pippin, Frodo, and I march through a gloomy, overgrown forest as Sam follows at the rear leading "Bill", a scrawny pony, who is laden with supplies. "Where are you taking us?" Frodo asks as he tries to keep up with the man in front of him. 

"Into the wild." 

Frodo watches uneasily as Strider moves off into the cover of the trees. Merry moves to Frodo's side and whispers, "How do, we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?"

 "Because I know and I trust him." I say from behind them as I walk next to Sam and the pony Bill. 

"But where is he leading us?" Sam asks and I smile as Strider replies, "To Rivendell, Master Gamgee; to the house of Elrond." 

All the sudden Sam's face lights up as he says to the pony, "Did you hear that, Bill? Rivendell! We're going to see the Elves!"

I smile at him as Strider leads the Hobbits through the gloom of the forest. Strider leads us across the windswept moors when the hobbits suddenly stop and start un-strapping their knapsacks. "Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall." 

"What about breakfast?" Pippin says and you choke back a laugh as Strider replies, "You've already had it." 

"We've had one, yes...but what about Second Breakfast?" Strider stares at Pippin blankly, then turns away, shaking his head making me snort out a giggle.

"I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip." 

"What about Elvenses, Luncheon, Afternoon tea, dinner...he knows about them, doesn't he?" 

"I wouldn't count on it." Merry says as he catches an apple that is thrown to him. 

Another, aimed at Pippin, catches him on the forehead making me burst out laughing like an idiot. "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself." I say as I try to compose myself. We continue for days until the hobbits trudge through rain, looking tired. That night we camped out in an abandoned watch tower. Frodo passed out from exhaustion and I ended up dozing off until the smell of Bacon rouses me from me sleep. I open my eyes to see Sam, Merry, and Pippin huddled over a small fire; sausages and bacon sizzle in a hot frying pan.

My eyes widen and right as I jump up I hear Frodo say, "What are you doing?!" 

Merry smiles as he says, "Tomatoes, sausages, and crispy bacon." 

"Put it out right this instant!" I say jumping to my feet as Frodo jumps up and down on the fire trying to put it out but it's too late. 

"Oh, that's nice...ash on my tomatoes!" Pippin says and I am about to yell at him when I hear a sudden shriek making my blood curl. I look over the edge of the cliff to see five Ringwraiths on foot, running up the steep slope unnaturally fast. Without turning to them I cry out, "Run!" 

Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin clamber desperately towards the summit, clutching their swords. I follow quickly behind them as I try not to panic under the pressure of being pursued by Ringwraiths. Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin and I race into a ring of broken stones on the summit of Weathertop the ruined base of an ancient tower. The hobbits stand back-to-back in the centre of the Ring, waiting for the first assault. One by one, the five Ringwraiths appear; brandishing gleaming swords, they move slowly towards the hobbits. In the center is their leader is the witch King of Angmar.

"Back, you devils!" Sam says as he rushes forward making me reach toward him my eyes wide with fear. He swings his sword at the Witch King, who blocks the blow with his own sword. Sam's blade shatters causing the Witch King to lash out with his fist, sending Sam flying. Merry and Pippin, overcome with terror, throw themselves flat on the ground. The Ringwraiths close in on Frodo and I, a venomous whisper dances in my head. I look down to see Frodo shut his eyes and stagger back, desperately resisting the Wraith's whisperings. Slow motion as his hand goes into his pocket and pulls out the ring. The 5 Ringwraiths utter a chilling screech of excitement as Frodo is unable to resist any longer. He falls to his knees and slips on the ring and disappears.

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