Chapter 18 ~ Army of The Undead

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As we ride through the barren canyon Gimli says, "What kind of army would linger in such a place?"

 "One that is cursed. Long ago the men of the mountains swore an oath to the last King of Gondor to come to his aid, to fight. But when the time came, when Gondor's need was dire, they fled vanishing into the darkness of the mountain. And so Isildur cursed them, never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge. Who shall call them from the grey twilight, the forgotten people? The heir of him to whom the oath they swore. From the North shall he come, need shall drive him. He shall pass the door to the Paths of the Dead." Finally, we approach the entrance to the Paths of the Dead. We start walking, them leading their horses by the reins as Fili follows closely behind me his ears pinned back.

"The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away." Gimli says as we near the doors and Legolas reads the inscription, "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead and the dead keep it. The way is shut." Something comes out of the door towards us at a rush. It spooks the horses, which pull on the reins and run away from them. 

"Brego!" Aragorn shouts after his horse while Gimli looks alarmed.

I turn to Fili who is now in full crouch mode teeth bared and snarling. I gently pat his head as I say, "Easy Fili, it's okay. Wait here for us okay?" He takes a step back but keeps his eyes focused on the doors.

"I do not fear death!" Aragorn says as he walks through the entrance leaving Gimli looking scared. I watch as Legolas follows after Aragorn. "Well this is a thing unheard of. An elf will go underground, where a dwarf dare not. Oh. Oh, I'd never hear the end of it." Gimli says and I smile as I gently place a hand on his shoulder before we both run in after them. Aragorn leads us with a torch. I look down to see many human skulls on the floor. Aragorn moves on but Legolas remains looking at them.

"What is it? What do you see?" Gimli asks pausing by his friend. 

"I see shapes of men and of horses." 

"Where?" Gimli asks as he looks around. 

"Pale banners like shreds of cloud. Spears rise like winter thickets through a shroud of mist. The dead are following. They have been summoned." Aragorn's eyes are wide open with concern as we continue to move on. Gimli spins around to look behind, "The dead? Summoned? I knew that! Huh. Huh. Very good. Very good." He realises he is alone, "Legolas!" He shouts and runs after us. 

As we walk through a low floating fog ghostly hands writhe around Legolas and then Aragorn, then myself until finally they wrap around Gimli. They are ethereal. Gimli tries to blow them away. He blows and wafts them away. Aragorn and Legolas turn looking at the hands. Aragorn glances down.

"Do not look down." Aragorn says and I groan as I reply, "Why would you say that, now I want too." Gimli pauses and then looks down and sees human skulls on the floor. He steps forward gingerly and the skulls crunch beneath his feet. 

"This is so- oh god I can't do this!" I cry out as I start running from the room quickly followed by the rest of my company. We emerge running from around a corner. Aragorn pulls me behind him as he leads us forward into an open space which contains a large building. He turns looking around with his torch. 

"Who enters my domain?" I hear a voice say and my blood goes cold as I suddenly slot the King of the Dead as he appears before Aragorn.

"One who will have your allegiance." Aragorn says as he stands tall before them. 

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass." The King of the Dead says making my skin crawl.

 "You will suffer me!" Aragorn says causing the King of the Dead to laugh menacingly. As he does a whole Kingdom of buildings appear around us. Soldiers emerge from them. A deadly army surrounds us chanting, "The way is shut! It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it." The Ghostly army closes around them. "The way is shut! Now you must die!" The King of the Dead calls out and I instantly draw my sword as Aragorn does the same as Legolas fires an arrow which passes straight through the King and clatters to the ground.

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