Chapter 19 ~ Final Battle

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A while later I am atop Fili as Aragorn, wearing the emblems of the White Tree and the Seven Stars with the Crown above them, leads an army from Minas Tirith. Everyone is there. Pippin rides in front of Gandalf. Merry rides behind Eomer. When we arrive outside the gate Pippin says, "Where are they?" Aragorn turns to look towards him and then rides forward towards the gate with Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Eomer, Me, and a Gondorian standard bearer. We ride up close to the gate.

"Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!" Aragorn shouts at the Gate. Merry and Gimli watch from behind their riders as the gates open and out comes Sauron's Lieutenant. I grip tightly to Fili's back as he rides towards us. 

"My master Sauron the Great bids thee welcome." The mouth of Sauron says. Aragorn and Legolas look at him aghast. He is horrific to look at. "Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?" The mouth continues as I try my hardest not to vomit at the state of his face.

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this. The armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return." 

"Aha! Old Greybeard! I have a token I was bidden to show thee." He says as he holds up Frodo's mithril shirt in front of Gandalf. 

"Frodo!" Pippin cries out and I grit my teeth as the mouth throws the shirt at Gandalf. 

"Silence!" Gandalf cries as he tries to calm the Hobbit. 

"NO!" Merry cries out causing Gandalf to yell yet again, "Silence!"

"The Halfling was dear to thee I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host. Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did Gandalf, he did." Tears start into Gandalf's eyes. 

I turn to them and say, "Do not listen to this ugly creature, Frodo isn't dead." 

The mouth's head snaps toward me as he says, "Sauron has been expecting you. He wishes for you to stop fighting and just return with me." 

I narrow my eyes at him as I say, "Never in a million years." Aragorn moves forward on his horse.

"And who is this? Isildur's heir? It takes more to make a King than a broken Elvish blade." The mouth says as he turns to Aragorn. Aragorn sweeps out his sword and beheads the Mouth of Sauron in one movement. As he does so I once again feel a stabbing pain in my chest making me clutch tight to my chest as I turn away from them. 

"I guess that concludes negotiations." Gimli says and I try to hide my pain with a smile.

Suddenly, the gate begins to open causing Aragorn to turn and look at it. Orcs begin to march through. "Pull back! Pull back!" Aragorn cries out causing us to ride back towards our own army. 

"Hold your ground! Hold your ground!" Aragorn cries out as I unsheathe my swords. I glance forward to see Aragorn ride across the front of the army addressing the men. "Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers. I see it in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day! An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight!" I look around to see the men looking encouraged.

"By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand! Men of the West!" The soldiers all unsheathe their weapons and stand ready. Aragorn wheels around on his horse to face the oncoming enemy. At the gate the small Gondorian army is being surrounded by the huge Orc army. I watch as they all climb off their horses and stand on the ground ready for battle. Aragorn looks at them. I glance over at Pippin as he unsheathes his sword, Merry looks at him and breathes heavily, holding himself in readiness for battle. Eomer looks menacing at the Orc army. I watch as the Orcs completely surround us.

"Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf." I hear Gimli say and I turn toward him as Legolas replies, "What about side by side with a friend?" He looks down at Gimli and smiles. 

Gimli looks up at him and says, "Aye! I could do that." 

Aragorn stands in readiness in front of the army. Aragorn moves forward seeming mesmerized, I fight the urge to go to him. Aragorn's sword arm drops to his side. He turns and looks at Gandalf, who holds up Frodo's mithril shirt for him to see. Aragorn smiles as he says, "For Frodo." He raises his sword and runs forward towards the Orc army. Pippin and Merry shout and run after him, their swords raised. The rest of the army start to run towards the Orcs. They quickly overtake the Hobbits. Aragorn reaches the Orcs and smashes into them slashing with his sword. The two armies collide in a fierce battle.

As we continue fighting the Orcs I climb down off of Fili and say to him, "Protect the Hobbits!" He quickly bounds off after them. There is a scream from the Ringwraiths and I suddenly feel my body start to burn. "AHH!" I cry out as the pain starts to once again burn my body. I look toward my father right as a huge eagle intercepts a Nazgûl dragging it off. The eagles engage in the air with the fell beasts. "UGH!" I cry out as I try my hardest not to fall into Sauron's plan. I watch as the Orc's run toward me. Tears fill my eyes as I force myself to fight against them through the pain.

I hear the cry of a cave troll and following its cry see him attacking Aragorn. Fear fills my body causing me to quickly run through the onslaught of Orcs as I make my way over to him. As I reach him He is thrown to the ground and right as the Troll brings his sword down I shove him out of the way causing the sword to slice down my back. I feel the world start to pass in slow motion as the burning pain suddenly ceases. "NO!" I hear Sauron cry out in anger and I look around to see Aragorn's eyes filling with pain and worry as they meet mine.

I feel the warm liquid pour down my back making the world start to blur before me. "_______!" I hear Aragorn cry out and I smile as I feel his arms around me. 

"Mellonamin," I say as I try not to cry. 

"I'm here," The cave troll returns and raises his sword once again.

 The Eye of Sauron flares suddenly and I let out a blood curdling scream as I feel an intense pain fill my body before it suddenly turns to nothing. "NO!" I hear Sauron scream out into my head over and over again until his voice disappears completely. The Eye looks this way and that desperately. The Cave Troll stop, looks towards the Eye, and realizing it is free runs off.

Aragorn turns me to look as the tower of Barad Dûr begins to collapse. I smile as I say, "It's over." We watch as the tower collapses to the ground. The Eye of Sauron explodes sending a huge shockwave outwards. "Frodo!" Merry shouts gleefully. Gimli shakes his hands with joy. The Black gate begins to collapse. Orcs try to run away, but the ground below them gives way. They are all destroyed. Mount Doom erupts. Merry looks shocked. Gandalf begins to cry. The Ringwraiths fizzle and disappear. Aragorn watches with concern. Pippin cries. 

"The... Eagles..." I say as I turn to look at my father and before my entire world goes dark I hear a loud wolf howl out in pain. 

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