Chapter 5 ~ Bree

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After we reached Brandywine bridge we all started off to Bree together. "When we reach Bree, you mustn't tell anyone what I am." I say as I look around at all the Hobbits. They all glance at me before nodding and turning back to look ahead. A few moments later I look ahead to see the lights of Bree, a small village of stone and half timbered houses nestled against a low wooded hill. A thick hedge surrounds the village, a great gate bars the western entrance.

Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin approach the gatehouse eyes wild, ragged, and out of breath. I glance around at them before I reach down and grabbing a handful of mud rub it on my cheeks as I pull my hood over my head hiding my (H/L) Hair making me look like as much of a man as I possibly could. "Come on." Frodo says he walks up and bangs on the rather tall gate. 

A surly gatekeeper opens a little window on the door and glances down at them. "What do you want?" The gatekeeper asks as he sizes us all up. "We're headed for the prancing pony." Frodo says as I bite my lip. The gatekeeper swings his lantern onto the hobbits, bathing us in an uncomfortable yellow spotlight.

"Hobbits! Four Hobbits, and a young lad, out of the Shire by your talk. What business brings you to Bree?" He asks as his eyes look me up and down as if to decipher my disguise. "We wish to stay at the inn, our business is our own." Frodo replies as he tenses next to me. 

To Frodo's relief, the Gatekeeper unlocks the gate. "All right, young sir, I meant no offense." The Hobbits and I gratefully enter Bree, the gatekeeper eyeing us curiously in the lantern light as he continues saying, "It's my job to ask questions after nightfall. There's talk of strange fold abroad, can't be too careful."

The tall Bree folk loom over the nervous little hobbits as Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin make their way through the Narrow Streets. Tall buildings tower above them, lights glow dimly from behind thick curtains. I glance around at them to see them all looking at us with unknown looks in their eyes. Biting my lip I look around and sigh once I see the sign of the "PRANCING PONY INN". I nudge Frodo who looks at the sign and followed by the other Hobbits we quickly hurry over to it. Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin come rushing in followed by me pulling my hood down tightly to cover my ears and hair. Frodo attracts the INN keeper's attention as he says, "Excuse me."

"Good evening, little masters. If you're seeking accommodation, we've got some nice, cozy Hobbit sized rooms available, Mr. - Ah..." 

" name's Underhill." Frodo says as he stands proudly in front of our company making a small smirk cover my lips. 

"Underhill? Hmm." He replies and I gulp down a breath of air.

"We're friends of Gandalf the Grey...can you tell him we've arrived?" Frodo says and my heart clenches. My mind flashes back to a scene I had read from the books stating what had happened to the food wizard.

The Inn keeper frowns as he says, "Gandalf...Gandalf...Oh... Oh yes! I remember...elderly chap...big grey beard...pointy hat?" Frodo nods with relief until the innkeeper shakes his head and says, "Not seen him for six months." Frodo is shocked but I know exactly where he is. 

"What do we do now?" Sam whispers to Frodo and I sigh as I say, "Then we shall wait until the morning then carry on to Rivendell." They all nod before heading to a table against the wall. The noisy smokey Inn is dimly lit, chiefly from a blazing log fire; and crowded with a mixture of big folk, local Hobbits , and a couple of dwarfs. Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin are clearly trying to remain quiet and inconspicuous. Sam can't help himself as he keeps casting nervous glances around.

"Sam, calm down it'll be just fine, I promise." I say as I give him a reassuring smile as Frodo agrees saying, "Sam, he'll be here. He'll come." Merry plunks himself down at the table, carrying a very large mug of beer. 

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