Chapter 7 ~ The Council

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When I awake I open my eyes to see the familiar drawings that hang in my room at Rivendell and smile. "I see you are awake." I hear the familiar voice of Elrond say and turning to him smile. 

"How is Frodo?" I ask as I force myself to sit up. 

"Healed; though he will forever feel the effects of the poisoned blade." I nod as I look around at my drawings and smile. "How do you fare?" He asks and I sigh as I stretch my back and suddenly realize I am wearing a dress groan in annoyance, "I was fine until I saw this dress. Tell me again why I must wear a dress?" Elrond groans and rubs his forehead as he says, "because you are the princess of Lothlorien and the council is about to meet. Therefore I need you to be dressed appropriately." 

I narrow my eyes as I say, "Avon." 

"You refuse?" 


"Too bad, now hurry and let the ladies prepare your hair." 

I stare at him in shock for a moment before saying, "Did you just use my own time against me?"

 "I learned from Arwen while you were gone." I smile and standing I walk over and wrap my arms around him hugging him tightly. "I am happy that you have returned safely." He says as his arms wrap tightly around me comfortingly. 

"I'm not going to lie I was pretty scared at times but I knew what I was getting into when I left for Bilbo's birthday." Elrond nods and I instantly remember what the Witch King had said about my father and my smile suddenly fades. "Elrond, who is my father?" I ask making the elven lord tense. 

"I do not feel it is my place to tell you. If you wish to know that badly I insist you ask your mother." 

"Ask my mother? I haven't even met her yet." I say angrily as I pull away from him and quickly walk over to a window overlooking a waterfall and sigh heavily.

I suddenly feel his hands on my shoulder as he says, "______, I know you are eager to meet your mother but it is imperative that she doesn't leave Lothlorien."

 "I know, I know. I just fear that even if I ask her she won't tell me the answer." 

"I think if you seem inquisitive enough then she will you just have to try." 

I nod and with a quick hug to the closest thing to a father figure I have say, "I'll get dressed, and meet you in the council room. 

He nods and then placing a quick kiss on my forehead says, "I shall see you then."

After he leaves a group of She-elves rush into my room and hurriedly start to tug at my hair brushing and combing through the tangles I acquired from my recent journey. I sigh as I stare into the mirror in front of me and impatiently watch them. Suddenly Arwen bursts into my room a bright smile cover her lips. "I take it someone had a very productive morning," I say as I smile lovingly at her. 

She raises an eyebrow as she says, "You know?" 

"You constantly forget that I know the future." 

She smiles as she says, "I do," I smile and as I reach down and lifting a glass of water to my lips hear her say, "Are you excited to meet your betrothed?" 

I spit the water out in front of me as I say both in shock and anger, "My what?!"

She stares at me in shock as she says, "Did you not know?"

 "No I didn't know! Who is he?" I say as I wave the other ladies off my hair as they finish the final touches, the jeweled crown hanging perfectly across my brow.

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