Chapter 17 ~ A Past Revealed

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I look around and once again I am in the burnt fields of Mordor, Sauron a few feet away smiling maliciously. I gulp down a breath of air as I say, "Answer me one thing," 

His smile grows as he says, "What ever you wish my child." 

I groan inwardly in annoyance as I say, "What did you do to me that day all those years ago?" 

He chuckles as he says, "Why should I tell you when I can just show you?" I tilt my head in confusion but before I can say anything the scenery changes to the elven city of Mirkwood. I look around to see my mother walking through the city followed closely by the Elven King of Mirkwood himself, Thranduil.

I watch in awe as she holds a little baby up into the air smiling at it while the baby laughed at her. "Is that... Me?" I ask as I walk up to them. 

"It is," I hear Sauron say and I stare at the baby. 

"Thranduil, the enemy is moving. Soon he will come for her. I need to send her away to protect her before it is too late." 

"Then we must contact Mithrandir, it will take the three of us to send her far from his reach." Galadriel nods as she walks over to a little cradle and gently places the babe down. All the sudden a little blonde headed child runs over to Thranduil and hides behind his robes. "Legolas, my child this little one sleeping is to one day be your wife. You must protect her when she returns."

"Legolas?" I say as I slowly reach out to them only to have my hand pass through them like they were phantoms of my mind. Galadriel smiles brightly as she leans down and gently places a kiss upon the baby's brow, "Sleep for now Poikaer, for soon you shall be safe." 

Then with a quick glance back at the baby; Galadriel, Thranduil, and Legolas leave the room. I look back over at the baby right as Sauron walks up beside me and says as he leans his mouth against my ear, "They wanted to take you away from me, but they made one tiny mistake. I am everywhere."

I shiver at his closeness but watch as suddenly the scene becomes dark as Sauron moves like a shadow into the baby's room. I watch as he leans down and lifts the child into his arms her eyes wide and staring at the man. "You will leave yes, but you shall return and once you do; you shall be mine." I watch as the memory Sauron cuts his hand and lets the thick dark liquid pour from his hand into the baby's mouth. I fell my stomach wretch at the thought of having his blood inside my. "You are now my own blood, you will be my ultimate weapon; my little ______." He says as he lays me back down into the crib and then instantly disappears.

The scene suddenly returns to that of Mordor and I fall to my knees clutching my arms close to me. "What have you done to me? What have you made me?" I say as my knuckles turn white. 

"You were always supposed to be mine. I have every right to reclaim what is rightfully mine!" He yells out and suddenly I feel my body heat up. I look down at my hands to see the fiery vines wrap around my arms burning my skin making me scream out in pain. "Do not fight it my child, you shall soon become like me." 

"I don't wanna be like you!" I yell out as I force myself to my feet my eyes blazing orange like a wildfire.

He smiles as he says, "You say that, but with each passing second you are becoming exactly what was foretold. You shall join me and help me take over Middle Earth." 

Suddenly I feel my body heat up like it was completely on fire and I stare daggers at the dark lord as I say, "I will never join you!" I feel the heat intensify and suddenly I realize that every time I get angry the heat intensifies making him happier. If I wanted to stay myself and not become what he wanted me to be I had to calm down. "_______!!" I hear a familiar voice scream my name.

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