Chapter 11 ~ Boromir

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As we make our way down the river a flock of birds circle high above, Black against the pale sky. Aragorn watches them with concern. The Three Elven boats drift slowly through the steep rocky gorge in the Pre-dawn light. There were three boats, one had Legolas and Gimli in it while another had Boromir, Merry and Pippin. I was in the boat along with Aragorn, Sam, and Frodo. Suddenly Aragorn, slowly paddling in the stern taps Frodo's shoulder and says his name as he points ahead of us.

Frodo slowly looks up, his eyes widening with amazement. Two enormous rock statues, towering like 300 foot pinnacles on either side of the river, carved images of Gondorian kings of old. They loom over the boats with power and majesty. "The Argonath, Long have I desired to look upon the kings of kin." We stare in stunned silence as the current takes us through the narrow gap between the Statues' feet. After we pass the statues we reach a large lake. Aragorn motions to the rest of our companions to head to the shore. Upon reaching it we leap out of the boats and clamber onto the wooded shore.

"We cross the lake at nightfall, hide the boats and continue on foot, we approach Mordor from the North." Aragorn says as he hands me stuff from the boats to place on the bank. 

"Oh, yes, just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil, an impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks. And after that gets even better, a festering, stinking marshland, far as the eye can see." Gimli says making my stomach churn.

"That is our Road...I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf." Aragorn jokes and I smile as an indignant Gimli replies, "Recover my..."

 Legolas turns to Aragorn with urgency in his voice as he says, "We should leave now." 

"No. Orcs patrol the Eastern shore. We must wait for cover of darkness." 

"It is not the Eastern shore that worries me." Legolas casts a glance around into the Parth Galen forest as he continues saying, "A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near, I can feel it." Aragorn looks at Legolas, knowing full well what he means.

I glance around to see that Sam has slumped asleep, while Merry dumps a small pile of kindling at Gimli's feet before he looks around and says, "Where's Frodo?" Sam sits up with a start as Aragorn's head snaps round. I gulp down a breath of air as I know what was about to happen next. As Aragorn walks off in one direction I start off in another. I was going to find Boromir and keep him alive if it was the last thing I did.

"I'm sorry, Frodo...Frodo.." I hear Boromir cry out and I instantly start making my way to him. When I reach him I see tears in his eyes as he sits before a tree silently chastising himself. "Are you alright?" I ask as gently sit down beside him. 

"What have I done? I tried to take the ring from Frodo." 

I wrap my arm around his shoulders and pull him in close to me as I say, "It would have happened to any of us. The ring has a strong power to manipulate anyone within reach of it." 

"Then why does it not affect the rest of you like it does me?" 

I sigh as I say, "Because you are man, the will of men has and will always be weak against evil; But I have faith that your will is now stronger since you have already been effected."

Before he is able to reply I feel an instant shudder of fear and jumping turn toward the direction Aragorn had gone. "What is it?" I hear Boromir ask and drawing my sword I say, "URUK-HAI," He instantly jumps up and drawing his sword stands next to me. The hills start to swarm with Uruk-Hai right as I here Merry yell out. Glancing at Boromir he nods and we run off after the sound of Merry's voice. Reaching the top of the hill I look down to see Merry and Pippin standing frozen on a little bridge the Uruk-Hai closing in fast.

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