2. Introducing you to the other twin (Ethan)

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You had been going out with Ethan for a while now so he thought it would be a good idea got you to meet his twin brother. You were nervous about the twin part of this but tried your best to hide it.
"Ready Y/N?" Ethan asked, taking your hand and walking out of the door. You nodded and got to the train station, ready to catch the train to his house.
Once the train came you started rambling onto Ethan, saying how nervous you were about meeting his twin and getting them mixed up.
"Don't worry about it, it'll all be okay." He told you reassuringly, as you pulled up at your stop.

Once at his house you started panicking.
"Gray, we are here!" Ethan shouted up the stairs. The next minute Gray was bouncing down the stairs with a big smile on his face.
"Hi Y/N, nice to meet you!" He said as he pulled you into his arms for a big hug.
"Hi, you too." You said nervously. Ethan noticed your nervousness so he squeezed your hand and pulled you into the living room where you all messed about and played 20 questions.

After hours at his house you felt so comfortable with Gray and you were pretty confident you wouldn't get them both mixed up.

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