26. Speaking to the wrong twin (G)

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This could be triggering so please skip if you struggle with self harm. Remember I'm always here for you guys :)

You had self harmed quite a lot in the past but you thought you were getting better. That is until the thoughts come back and you can't stop. You had promised Gray you wouldn't do it anymore but you broke that when, in the middle of the night, you turned to your razors for comfort.
The next morning you felt awful and needed to talk to Ethan, worried Gray would hate you.
You decided to text him.
You: I need to speak to you please! Like now?
Ethan: of course, is everything alright?
You: I don't know :/

You walked to the Dolan household as it was only 5 minutes away. The walk was good as it helped you think of what you would say to Ethan to get him to understand.

Once your arrived you knocked on the door for it to immediately open. A worried looking 'Ethan' stood in the doorway. He pulled you into a tight hug and guided you into the living room. Tears were already streaming down your face and through the years you thought he looked a lot like Grayson but you didn't think much of it - they were twins after all.

"What's wrong Y/N? And no lying. I need to know so I can help."
"I promised Gray I wouldn't hurt myself anymore but I did and he will hate me now. I don't know what to do because I couldn't stop, I tried so much but I just couldn't resist."
It was silent for a few seconds before the hug was made even tighter and you felt a few tears fall onto your shoulder. You looked up to see 'Ethan' crying too.
"What's wrong Eth?" You asked, wiping away the tears on his face.
"Y/N, one Grayson wouldn't ever hate you and two, don't feel bad about it, it's going to be hard and it will happen, the main thing is that you stop eventually even if it takes years."
"But Gray will hate me." You said quietly as you sobbed harder.
"No he won't! And I know that because I'm not Ethan, I'm Grayson."
You froze, fear and confusion running through your body. You were lost in thought until Grayson kissed your forehead. "I love you babe, remember that but please come to me, your boyfriend, if you need help again. That's what I'm here for."
You smiled but still had one thought circling around your head.
"I thought you were Ethan? How did you know something was wrong?"
He laughed slightly and replied "I'm your boyfriend, duh, I know when something is wrong." You laughed slightly too but he continued "but really, I saw your text to Ethan and I replied for him. He went out and left his phone here."
"Thank you for not hating me. I love you." You them kissed him passionately, knowing you had the best boyfriend ever.

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