33. Rainy days

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You and Gray would sit inside by a window and watch the rain pour down outside. You'd both have a blanket wrapped around you - making sure you were as close as you could get to each other, a hot chocolate in hand and music playing in the background. It was always so much better when there was a storm as it would be a prettier weather to watch.
This was one of your favourite things to do as it was nice to have quiet, alone time with Gray without having to worry about being somewhere or doing anything.

You and Eth hated being stuck inside when it rained as there wasn't much to do but you also didn't want to be ill if you ventured outside.
Instead, to still occupy you both, you would make cookies, brownies and cakes - anything you could with the ingredients you had.
The cupboards would normally be full of cooking ingredients for days like this as it became a tradition (is that the right word) for you to bake on a rainy day.

Sorry this is short and not very good but hope you enjoyed it anyway. Please vote and comment as it really helps me out a lot!
Please read the fan fiction I'm working on about 5SOS (if you're a fan and maybe even if not). I've only just started it but I'm really enjoying it so I hope you will too! So please read 'Secrets & Lies' and vote & comment?
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