24. Secrets

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You could sing really well. It wasn't something you likes to show people so you kept it to yourself.
You thought you were alone in your house but Ethan decided to surprise you. You had given him a key so he could come in any time he wanted.
You were singing along to One Directions new song Infinity when Ethan came in. You didn't notice him until you had finished singing and turned to leave the room you were in.
You screamed in surprise but laughed when you realised it was him.
"Sorry babe but you are amazing at singing"  he said while pulling you in for a kiss.

You hadn't told him but you could fly an airplane. You had a lesson for your 15th birthday and have been hooked ever since. You got your private pilots license and are planning on getting your commercial pilots license once you get enough money because it's expensive (:/ it is and it makes me cry)
You were at your house with Grayson when you got mail.
"Open it for me babe?" You asked Grayson. You were close enough that it didn't matter if he knew your business, after all you had been dating for ages.
"Sure." He went to the door and picked up a big letter.
He started to read it and his face turned to shock. "Y/N? I didn't know you could fly! But British airways want to sponsor you." (Goal)
You squealed and ran into Grayson arms. Tears ran down your face.
"Why didn't you tell me you could fly?" He was smiling but looked confused at your secret.
"I just wanted to make sure I was getting somewhere before I told everyone."
He smiled and hugged you righty again "congratulations babe."

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