30. You pass out (E)

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You have low iron and Ethan knows but not how serious it actually was. You would get dizzy from just standing up and it made you feel very tired and ill.
You decided to go to his house to see GRETHANCARPENDALE (my phone changed it to capitals) as they were all going to the Dolan house.
Once you got there you were feeling quite ill and dizzy but you ignored it. You said hello to everyone but called Ethan aside. "I'm going to lay down, is that alright?"
He looked at you concerned, and replied "of course. We'll be in the pool when your ready. And I you need me, just shout."
You nodded before walking into his room and falling asleep for 15 minutes.

Once you had woken up, you got your swimming costume on and went outside. Suddenly a wave of immense dizziness hit you and you fell to the ground.

Ethan's POV
We were in the pool when Y/N walked out. She looked amazing and the guys started to get excited. I could tell she wasn't okay so I got out and started to walk to her. Just before I reached her she dropped to the floor.
My heart rate quickened as I ran forwards. She had passed out so I shouted. "Get water and a cold towel!" Grayson and Jack ran inside while Aaron came to help me.
A few minutes after she passed out, she came round and looked very pale and ill.
I decided to pick her up and carrying her inside with the boys following with the things I asked for.

I laid Y/N down on the sofa and we gave her water and put the cold rag on her head.
"How are you feeling babe?" I asked. I knew that all she would want to do is sleep as she normally does after she passes out.
Aaron and Jack went home to give her some quiet time so I took her up to my bed to sleep.
"I love you Y/N." I whispered before she fell asleep in my arms.

I know this was rubbish but thank you so much for 500 reads!!! Please could you vote and comment so I know what to write??? If you do I will love you forever. Thank you again!!!

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