9. The wrong twin (Ethan)

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I know they look different now but this is before they did.

You decided to go over to see Ethan since you hadn't seen him over the weekend because he was away. You knocked at the door and 'Ethan' opened it.
"Hey, come in." 'Ethan' said, opening the door wider for you to enter.
"Hey." You said, walking up to him and pressing your lips onto his. He pushed you off straight away and gave you a disgusted look.
"What the hell? I haven't seen you all weekend. Do you not want me here?"
The real Ethan was stood behind Grayson and saw the whole thing. "what is going on? Why did you kiss Grayson, Y/N?" Your mouth dropped open. What had you done?
"I thought-" you started but was cut off by Ethan.
"Get out. I don't want to see you." They both were looking at you as if you had two heads, waiting for you to leave their house.
Tears sprang to your eyes as you turned to leave. "I'm sorry and I love you Eth."
You stepped out of the house and walked slowly to the end of the driveway. Tears were streaming down your face and you just collapsed on the side of the road, crying more than you ever have in your life. You have just lost the best person in your life all because of a stupid mistake.

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