29. You fight someone (G) (and rant)

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This is based upon the new video. I could rant on about it for hours but I will sum up my opinion on it. I watched the video twice so I could really take in what they were saying. The first time I watched it, I was mad that it had happened to two of the most caring people but once I watched it a second time and saw their expressions, I cried. I could see the hurt in their faces and voices and it just got to me - I thought they might of cried a few times. And when Gray said "thank God I have Ethan..." It's just so hard to understand how it's affected them. Also Ethan said something about not knowing where he'd be without Gray, and then pausing but continuing with he probably wouldn't be making videos. The pause really got to me. It made me think there was something more behind it. I don't want to think about it because he's still here and making videos but still... Moving on, who would hate on them? Not only because they are perfect but it's bullying! I am so against bullying it's crazy. I have never experienced bullying personally but have seen the effects on many people such as my own younger sister so hearing their story infuriated me further. When will people learn that it isn't okay to make someone feel like rubbish? That words hurt and can stay with someone for a lifetime. It effects people for their whole life! And especially the parents, like wtf?! They are supposed to be adults and not little kids. I've never heard such bullshit. How can someone hate little Ethan and Grayson without knowing how caring and sweet they are. And after all, they are little kids. They don't understand anything yet and to judge them and put them in that situation is just disgusting. What could two little kids do that's so bad that parents excluded them from everything and stopped their children from being around them. And for the people in school, they are obviously jealous of how talented, popular and perfect the twins are. It was the 'cool' thing to hate them in their school? What is wrong with people these days. It is honestly disgusting the extent people will go to, to bring someone down. And Cameron being physically bullied by BOYS as well as being picked on by girls?! Have these boys never heard of 'never hit a girl'? Where were they raised, in a barn? It's just something that every decent human is taught and how low can a boy be to hit a girl while being bullied by girls. I know how horrible girls are and no one deserves that!
I went on for longer than I meant to but you get the idea right? I stopped myself short because no one probably read it but if any of you did, thank you and if you agreed or disagreed, leave a comment and we can discuss it some more as I have so much more to say.
Now to the story.

You didn't know the twins had been bullied and the extent of the bullying. You watched them film the video and half way through you couldn't take it any more so you got up and left the room. Tears were streaming down your face as you walked to the bathroom.
Before you reached the bathroom, smooth hands snaked around your waist and pulled you into your chest.
"Babe? Are you okay?" He turned you around and his face dropped when he saw the tears.
You couldn't say anything so you shook your head.
"It's okay babe." He held you close until your cries stopped.
"In sorry, I just can't believe what happened! It's actually disgusting!" He nodded and wiped the remaining tears off you face. "Do you want to come back?" You nodded your head and walked back to the stairs with him.
He sat back down with Ethan and you say back down behind the camera.
Once the video ended, Gray wiped the few tears that slipped from your eyes and you all had a big group hug.

After packing up the camera you decided to get Costa. On your way there, you bumped into a group of girls and boys from their old school. One brave botch came over you you and started saying awful things to the boys. Angry was bubbling inside you. You tried to keep it on but no one disrespects the boys and gets away with it.
In the middle of her abuse, you stepped in "excuse me bitch, but we do t have time for your bullshit so I recommend you leave before you regret it." She laughed and a few of her friends came over and stood defensively behind her.
"And who do you think you are?" She asked, her girls laughing.
Grayson went to say something but you swung for the girl first. She fell to the ground so you took this opportunity to rip out her extensions, turn her face into a bloody mess and break a few of her nails in the process.
When you finally got up, you looked at the frightened girls trying to help the fake bitch off the ground.
You all walked away while the group looked stunned. You laughed and stick your middle finger up at them.
"Are you alright? You didn't have to do that babe." Gray said, kissing your cheek and lacing your hands together.
"It'll teach them a lesson next time they want to bully someone." You all laughed but changed the subject to something better.

Once you got your drinks and sat down, your guys' Twitter was going crazy. You looked at it and saw pictures, videos and tweets of the fight.
Ethan and Grayson looked so stunned in the background and clearly didn't know what to do - obviously not expecting a fight to of happened.

You decided to tweet:
'Today was a lesson to all you bullies, don't mess with a psycho
bitch because you will regret it.'

You all decided to make a charity and support group for those who are a victim to bullying but also those who have bullied and want help. You all hope it would bring awareness to the subject and hopefully one day out an end to it.

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