25. You pass out (G)

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Me and Ethan had a meet and greet today and I decided to bring Y/N along with me. It was a hot day and we hadn't had anything to eat but the fans were giving me and Ethan some snacks that we were eating. We were also given water from security but I couldn't go to Y/N because of the fans waiting.
We had been meeting fans for about two hours when we had a break. I walked over to a pale looking Y/N.
"Babe are you okay?" I asked her, concerned.
She nodded a took my water bottle from my hand. "I'm good. How is it?" She gestured to the fans still in line.
"It's amazing. It's great to meet everyone. Are you sure your okay though, you look ill?"
She nodded again "I'm fine babe. You best head back. See you later." I turned back hesitantly to see the next fan waiting for me. I walked back to Ethan nervously "is Y/N okay bro?"
"She says she is but I'm not sure."

It had been half an hour and the line of fans didn't seem to be getting shorter. I love the fans it's just Y/N looked so ill. I kept glancing over to check on her and so did Ethan; we could tell something was wrong.

Ten minutes later I looked over and saw paramedics taking Y/N away. My heart dropped and started pounding quickly seconds after.
I looked around nervously before Ethan shouted to everyone in the queue "give us 10 minutes. There has been an emergency!" We ran off in the direction that Y/N went.

It didn't take long for us to see her. We carried on sprinting towards her when she just dropped to the floor, paramedics fumbling to catch her before she hit the ground.
My heart beat quickened and I felt as though I would be sick.
Once we got to her, we saw her pale, fragile body covered in a light coating of sweat.
After about a minute or two she came round and looked very confused. Once realisation hit her, tears started to fall from her eyes. It broke my heart to see her like this.
"Y/N babe, you're okay. I'm here now." The paramedic gave her some water before asking Ethan some questions about her while I comforted her. She was shaking with weakness.
Once they were pleased with the cause; not eating or drinking anything in the hot weather, we could take her back. I stood up first with Ethan next to me as we both helped her up. She was still ghostly pale and weak.
"I'm sorry." She replied, her voice weak.
"Don't be sorry Y/N, your health comes first." Ethan told her, I agreed by nodding but was too worried to say anything.
Once we got back to our area, Y/N sat down on a chair and layed her head on a table and closed her eyes while we talked to the managers about what we would do. Panic surged through me again as I saw this so I ran back to her. Once again she assured me she was fine but I wasn't listening this time.

I sat with her for a few minutes while Ethan continued talking. An announcement came over the speakers saying our meet and greet would be postponed until the next day. We felt awful but health comes first no matter what.
We left slowly and went to the noodle bar for food.

Once we got home, Y/Ns phone was going crazy. Pictures and hate tweets were circling around which made Y/N feel worse about getting the M&G cancelled even though we said it was fine.
Me and Ethan decided to tweet;
We're really sorry about the cancellation but I have to make sure Y/N is safe and healthy. Please don't send hate, it was our choice to stop, not hers ❤️

We're really sorry we had to cancel but it was for the best! We will make it up to you guys but health comes first. Love you all ❤️

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