Chapter Two

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It’s been about a month since the festival. It’s been a month since I met Niall. That was the last time I talked to him. He hadn’t called or texted. I didn’t peg him as that type of guy, but I guess I was wrong. Throughout this whole month I saw my face plastered everywhere. I was Niall’s ‘festival girl’. Isn’t that swell. All I wanted to do was forget about it but it is hard when I could be walking down the street and someone would recognize me. Some were nice, but others we very harsh. If only they knew I wasn’t the bad guy. Niall didn’t talk to me. I was the victim. He shouldn’t have even talked to me in the first place if he knew he would be leaving and not call me.

I was lying on my bed, snuggled up to my dog. I sleep a lot, considering all I have done since the festival was lay around. I haven’t seen my friends in a while. Mira was always with Ryan and Heather took Zack with her to visit family in Ireland. How ironic right? I’ve been alone since three days after the festival. That’s when they all parted and left me in this shit town. I would say I’m fine when Heather would call me. I told her I didn’t care that Niall hasn’t contacted me and truthfully why should I be. I still was though. I hated it. I realized he didn’t even know anything about me, other than my name and that I have panic attacks and I like a lot of genres of music. That’s it. That is all he knows about me, yet I still feel like I knew him forever when we met.

Every time I saw him pop up on my TV or computer I would start to think of what could have been. Like, what if he did call and we started dating or at least became friends. I really wish I had kissed those lips. I see his face I want to kiss him and hug him. I remember what it felt like to have him holding me. I just wanted that boy. That damn Irish sorry excuse for a man. He’s just a kid that doesn’t know how to pick up a damn phone.

I felt my phone vibrate and I had to push my dog slightly to get my phone out from under her. I looked at the screen to see an unknown number and answered.


“Hi, how are you?” The person asked.

“I think you have the wrong number.” I sighed about to hang up.

“No, (y/n), right?” the Irish accent was now recognizable. “It’s Niall.”

“Oh then you most definitely have the wrong number. I don’t want to talk to you.” I said hanging up.

Moments later my phone buzzed again, but it was a text from the same number.

*I’m sorry.*

*I don’t care. You could have called, but no. You are just like every other guy I’ve met. You don’t even know me.*

*I want t know you!!*

*That window closed buddy…*

*I’m sorry*

*Again, I don’t give a shit!*

*Let me make it up t you. Please?*

*And what would you do? Be nice to me then leave again. It’s been a month you know.*

*I know. I’m an asshole.*

*You sure as hell are.*

*Just give me another chance? You do believe in second chances, right?*

*I do.*

*Then will you hear me out?*

*I guess*

I sat back on my bed and laid my head against the headboard. My phone began to ring and it was him.

“You really had to call me?” I snapped.

“I want you to hear how sincere I’m being. Okay?”

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