Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: PLEASE READ So, I was hesitant to post, but I wan tyou guys to know. Someone on Facebook was starting to post this story as their own and it really pissed me off. The post that I had orginally seen is deleted, but if you guys ever see it posted somewhere else without credit to me (from either tumblr or here) please let me know. I dont have a facebook so some of my followers and friends on Tumblr said something to the person. The person has also apologized and that was nice of them, but still not okay tot steal my work that I've been putting so much effort into since April. So, again if you see it anywhere else, please leave a comment or something. Thanks guys. and sorry for actually having a long note...

(Niall’s POV)

“Louis. What the fuck. Why would you say that? I finally got her back and you are going to ruin it.” I yelled pointing my finger in his face.

“You are being a fool, Niall. She’s just going to play you like the little wh-“ I cut him off, covering his mouth.

“Don’t you dare say it.” I said, taking my hand away.

“You said it, remember?” he raised an eyebrow.

“I did and she forgave me. She is not a whore or any of the things we’ve called her. I was pissed that she broke my heart, but I have her again and you aren’t helping.”

“Stop being so naïve, mate. Don’t you see she doesn’t want to go public because she knows it’s not going to work out.” He was standing inches from me. “She’s just having you around until she thinks she can kick you to the curb again. You are shit to her. She’s probably going to her hotel to fuck that birthday boy or one of the other guys in her band.”

“She wouldn’t do that.” I looked down.

“How do you know? What happened in the bedroom, lad? Nothing, right? She didn’t even fuck you so what are you getting from this? She’s getting someone to give a shit about her, make her feel pretty and you get nothing but your own hand to handle your problems.” He spit out in my face.

“SHUT UP. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I pushed his chest.

“Hey, stop! Don’t let a girl get between you two.” Zayn yelled, jumping between us.

Louis and I had never fought like this before. He’s like my brother. Sure, he’s trying to protect me, but I can protect myself. I love, yes love, (y/n). She makes me happier than I had ever been before I met her.

“Lou, you don’t know anything about (y/n).” Harry said.

“So you’re taking her side?” he sat down because Liam pulled him to the couch.

“No, just watch her special. See why she is the way she is and it will prove to you that she isn’t using Niall for anything.” Harry walked to the TV turned on (y/n)’s interview.

I couldn’t watch it again. It was too hard to watch; knowing the girl I love had to go through all of that shit. She didn’t deserve it. Honesty, she deserves more than me. I can’t even give her everything she actually deserves, but I’m going to try my ass off trying to do my best. I walked away from them and went to my room. I could hear (y/n)’s voice talking about her life. I sighed and laid back on my bed. My phone vibrated against the wood of the side table and I searched for it, keeping my gaze at the ceiling.

*I’m back in my room. No problems. The boys aren’t back yet I think.*

*Okay. I’m sorry about Lou.*

*Don’t worry about it. He’s looking out for you like Ryan does for me. I get it.*

*I guess you’re right. :/*

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