Chapter Four

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The next day I woke up to a text from Niall saying I could come to the New York shows that were in a week. He’s said he’s paying for the plane ticket and everything. I almost fell out of bed from how excited I was. I ran down the stairs to ask my parents but they were a bit hesitant. I begged and begged until they finally gave in.

A week later I was on a plane to go see him. I was really nervous and my hands were all clammy. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do when I saw him. Just hug him? Kiss him? I had no idea. I wanted to just hold him to be honest. I want to smell him and feel his warm body against mine. It will just be nice to have some physical contact instead of seeing him on my computer screen.

I finally arrived and I pulled my ear buds out. I didn’t realize how loud I had been blasting the new Fall Out Boy album, until I noticed the people around me staring. Someone could have just tapped my shoulder to turn it down instead of giving me death glares. I wrapped of the ear buds around my iPod and shoved them into my carry on. My stomach felt sick as I neared the end of the walkway. Once I was out by the chairs in the terminal I had to get my luggage and find someone who was going to be taking me to the hotel then to the concert venue, where I will finally see Niall.

Once I found the driver I gave him my suitcase and carry on to put in the trunk of the car and he escorted me to the hotel. I was already checked in so I just had to bring my things up to my room. I was expecting I do it myself but the driver said it will be taken care of and that I was to go to the venue as soon as possible. So, I sent Niall a quick text.

*On my way!!!*

When we pulled up to the backside of the venue I could hear screaming fans and I already saw some paparazzi. I wasn’t sure how they were going to react. Maybe they wouldn’t even recognize me. Fingers crossed. The gates opened to let us drive through and I saw Louis, Harry, and Niall kicking around a ball. That’s when my heart started to race. It’s time to see him. My boyfriend. I got out of the car once we parked and I walked hesitantly in their direction and Harry spotted me first. He ran up to me and gave me a quick hug. I could tell by his smile that he knew I was nervous. Niall kicked the ball to Louis and he ran over to me. Our interaction was very awkward. When he got to me he put his hands on my shoulders and jerked me towards him into a tight hug and it didn’t seem very affectionate at all. I thought maybe he would at least kiss me on the cheek, but he didn’t even do that. It was all just weird, like he didn’t seem to know how to act around me, like all his confidence was gone.

To ease the awkward scene that just occurred Louis came over and gave me a hug too. Harry and Louis left and that’s when Niall became more comfortable, but only slightly. He took off his hat and ruffled his hair before putting it back on. He gave me a weak smile and grabbed my hand. He watched as my hand tangled with his. He soon pulled me into the venue and led me down a long hall. Many people were around, preparing for tonight’s show. We stopped at a door with his name on it and he quickly opened it and yanked me in, closing the door shut behind us.

“I’m sorry I was awkward out there.” He said, pulling me to the couch.

“It’s okay. It was very awkward but I think I get why.” I said sitting down next to him.

“Do you know why?” he asked, twiddling his thumbs as his elbows rested on his thighs.

“Was it because Harry and Louis were there?”

“That was part of the reason and I was really nervous and didn’t know what I should do.”

I laughed. “That’s funny because I didn’t know what to do either.” I said turning my body to face him and bring one knee onto the couch.

He sat back and looked me over. “I really did miss you.”

I pulled my other leg up on the couch and sat pretzel style facing him with my back towards the rest of the room. I smiled at him and took his hand in mine. “I missed you too.”

“Do you want to go out to eat after the show?” he asked, nervously.

“Yeah, I would love that. As long as you stop being so nervous. It’s only me.” I giggled.

“It’s just weird, because I’m so used to only seeing your face on a screen and now that you’re in front of me I don’t know what to do with myself.” he sighed.

“Stop it. You’re thinking too much.” I said, leaning into him. “Just pretend we’ve been together this whole time.” I kissed his cheek and the blood rushed to both of our faces.

“Okay. So less thinking, more doing?” I nodded. “In that case.”

Before I knew it, his hands pulled my head towards him and his lips connected with mine in a slow, soft kiss that made the hair on my neck stand up. I shuffled my legs so now I was kneeling next to him with my hands on his chest, deepening the kiss. Unfortunately, soon after, someone came through the door and cleared their throat. I almost fell on the floor in embarrassment.

“It’s almost show time.” Zayn said, walking back out of the room.

“Well, this is awkward.” I said, standing up and straightening out my shirt.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I should have locked the door or something.” He sighed, standing up as well. “I guess I better start heading out there.

“Where do I go?”

“You can watch from backstage or from the monitor in the longue. Whichever one you would prefer.” He smiled.

“I’ll watch from backstage.” I said.

“Okay, then you can come with me until the show starts.” He grinned grabbing my hand.


“Wh-“ Before he could finish I pressed my lips to his once more before we went back out into the hall.

I watched the boys do an amazing show. As soon as it was over and Niall had changed, we headed to the hotel so he could shower and I could change into something a little nicer for our dinner.


Sorry if this chapter was horrid. It's a filler, pretty much...

-Em xx

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