Chapter I

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-Avery McCoy's P.O.V-

I twirled around and threw myself into the chair behind my desk. I happily giggled and inhaled the air of library filled with scent of new books. The library was unusually quiet for this time of day. I would come here every time and still get surprised by how many people was actually interested in reading.

That was the reason why I volunteered for this job. I loved reading. And to be honest I thought no one else would want to work in this dust filled dark chamber, as some people imagined college's library. But by seeing the enthusiastic faces of people coming here every day, I understood, that I might, or might not, underrated our generation.

I enjoyed this silent morning, which I suddenly appeared to have just for myself. Colby ran to the bathroom, but he hasn't come back for more than ten minutes. I had nothing else left to do than just assume that he probably ran in to some friend, or it wouldn't be surprising, if he accidentally met one of his ex-girlfriends.

My big brother was dating my best friend Sherry for quite a while back then. So I couldn't say that all of his girls were the same Barbie-doll type, but it sure looked like he has his priorities settled.

I sighed. He promised that he is done with annoying make-up eating female species, I don't know if I can call them girls. Colby has assured me, that he became mature and responsible man only interested in smart, intriguing, REAL women. All though I had not a slightest idea, what he meant by REAL, because our point of view was always majorly different.

He was a mama's boy. Tough on one hand, and sweet, fluffy on the other. I, however, grew up to be closer to my dad. Even if I never admitted to be a daddy's girl, I was still his little precious angel of the daughter.

I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. I heard steps as someone walked in.

"Colby, do you remember when we used to climb up to the roof and pretend that we are on top of the world?"

I blurted out of nowhere. The person behind my desk sweetly chuckled and I had to open my eyes. That chuckle sounded nothing like Colby's. On the other side of the table a tall, thin, but muscular figure was standing. He's brown, slightly red hair reminded me of cotton candy.

"I'm no Colby, but I remember that."

It was Devan. It was long time since I last saw my friend from childhood. We were unbelievably close back then, but somehow we managed to grow apart. Maybe it was for the better, after I realized that I was developing a crush on my best friend, It would only have went downhill from there.

But now he was standing in front of me like nothing ever happened. Like we never stopped talking and started ignoring each other. Like our families didn't notice how coldly we would greet one another. Like my heart wouldn't have been broken after staying apart for so long.

"Long time no see Devan."

I started off strategically horrible. It only reminded me of the time that has passed.

"Hi Avery."

Devan leaned on to the table and looked around like searching for someone or something, but we were alone.

"What do you want Devan?"

I finally broke the silence and came to point of the conversation without wasting any more of the time.

"Hey, no need to be rude. I just came to see you."

Luckily all of the books were in working order on the shelves or I would have slapped him with one or two of them right on the spot. He came to see me?! Just like that, and he think that I will forget all the years of mutual ignoring. I didn't buy it. Of course, what else does the world need, it's all in simplicity.

Maybe it was for the best that one of us finally decided to end this strange war, which started out of nowhere. But I didn't want to let him back in my life so easily. I couldn't afford my heart being broken twice. Even if he had no clue about the first time.

"Stop wasting your breath, what you really want?"

His face changed and he actually looked concerned, but in only lasted like a second or two and it quickly disappeared and the smile appeared attacking me unprepared. He looked around like checking if no one was watching and when he made sure no one could hear, he spoke.

"I came here to volunteer."

I burst out in to laughter immediately. Devan Alvarez, the tough guy, the jock, the-I'm-too-cool-for-school one, came here, out of all the places, he came to library to volunteer. I thought my head will explode from laughing.

"What's so funny?"

The familiar voice asked as my brother Colby McCoy walked in brushing his hand on to his jacket, obviously unaware that there is a towel for that purpose.

"Devan, you remember my brother, Colby?"

I don't think he could have forget. Colby almost threw Devan off the same roof we were always climbing on. That could have ended badly, sadly and differently than it did.


They greeted one another in synchro. I could feel how Colby walked behind me and stood were scanning every bit of Devan. He suddenly became that one way over protective big bother.

"You were saying?"

I turned back to Devan, who unintentionally straighten out at instant. He obviously felt intimidated by my brother's appearance.

"I want to work here."

He stated again very calmly. I held back the second laughter attack and didn't even tell him that I was surely not the person to talk to if he wanted to work here or at least volunteer.

"Have you ever even read a book in your life?"

I was quite stubbornly making fun of him. But he nodded seriously and thought about it for a second.

"Want to hear a secret?"

Devan asked me while glaring at Colby, I waved at my brother asking to give us some privacy and he walked away still glancing once in a while.

"Not really, but..."

I wasn't going to give in his little dirty game right away. But his words intrigued me. Maybe he actually had a reason, who knows?

"Come closer, it's a secret, you don't want to make it public."

He commanded and I leaned in closer after sighing. He leaned in too and our faces were so close I could see the sparkle in his dark eyes, and usually they would be plane if you looked from far away.

"What's the big secret?"

I was kind of bouncing in my seat, I was definitely expecting something big. But I had no idea the following words will hit me like a bus. To be honest I was expecting to not understand what he will say, since we were so close I could feel him breathing, considering that, I could have fainted at any given moment.

"GOT7 is secretly a book club."

He whispered.


Here's the cast for those, who can't quite find it!!!!!

Devan Alvarez - JB

Caiden Thornton - Jackson

Tyrell Cortez - Youngjae

Dorian Klein - BamBam

Ross Clayton - Yugyeom

Jeramiah Bates - Junior

Alec Reyes - Mark

Colby McCoy - Rap Monster

Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying the story. If you do please vote and way more importantly leave comments!!!!! Every opinion is appreciated!!!!! Silent readers kill the author! Thanks for your time Love ya!♥♥♥


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