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-Avery McCoy's P.O.V-

We were sitting somewhere on the bench, the concert was already over and I had to admit it was definitely good and I got to enjoy it, despite everything that was on my mind.

Caiden leaned in closer and I did too. He unintentionally stroke my hair and chills went down my spine. As he closed his eyes and with every second his face was getting closer the flashback of Colby telling me the horrible truth reached my brain. I took a deep breath and knew what has to be done.

"This would be so nice..." I started off and he suddenly stopped leaning in but didn't remove his hand from my head where he was still softly stroking my hair. "...if not for a bet."

I ended and he opened his eyes immediately. His pupils were huge, he looked so fragile, and I never thought I could ever say it bout any guy at all, but he had something about himself that stood out. That was different.


He was shaking, very, very visibly. I blinked and had to push back the feels so hot tears wouldn't start falling down my face.

"Too bad it's only a game."

I sadly grinned and looked up the sky. He followed my stare and grabbed his head with his hands.

"You knew."

Caiden didn't even questioned, he stated. His voice came from somewhere very far away. He was no longer here, with me, his thoughts went to the day we met. For how long did I know, I bet that's what he was thinking about.

"It's not very nice when only one side can play a game."

I bitterly added and he looked up at me. Surprisingly, his eyes were just shouting about the pain inside. He was hurt, I got my revenge, but why didn't I feel the satisfaction when?

"Avery, it wasn't the game for me!"

I nodded. Yeah right, what else will you say? That I can fly and if I want to I can go up in to the sky join the stars? No, in reality I can't.

"I just joined the fun you guys were having."

I snorted. He grabbed my shoulders and mad me turn to him, he was biting his lip so hard it started bleeding. Crystals in his eyes didn't remind me of tears, they looked painfully sharp.

"Avery! We could have had something special."

I couldn't agree more. But this was his lesson and he needed to learn it properly.

"You're right, we could have had. But you should have thought about it before betting."

My words were swords stabbing him. My words were flames burning him. My words were loop choking him. But his eyes were the hell for me. He was truly hurt.

"I'm a total idiot."

He admitted and at one moment I wanted to stop him right away and made him decline his words. I was stupid too. The whole revenge was stupid. I didn't feel lighter after it, but I accomplished the goal I was going for.

"It's just a game. Heart's game."

No, he didn't want to agree. I saw him trying to escape the thoughts coming to him one after another at the speed of light.

"Avery, I made a mistake."

"So did I." I wanted to tell him, that seeking this revenge was the stupidest thing I have ever done, I wanted to beg for his forgiveness. Caiden was really special, I just couldn't appreciate it enough, so I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind regretting it at instant. "I trusted GOT7, I trusted you."

"Avery, I really did fell for you!"

He tried to convince me, but I just chuckled softly. How cliché, how convenient of him to say that. The car came rushing towards us and blinded both of us with her lights for a second. Caiden stepped backwards and almost fell, I grabbed his hand out of instinct and his eyes filled with spark of hopes. I shouldn't have done that.

"Caiden! Avery!"

It was Ross he was leaning out of the window from the passenger's seat. He waved at us and we quickly ran to him. I saw Jeramiah sitting behind the wheel. He was bouncing in his seat trying to hurry us up.

"What is it Ross?"

Other questions were running in my head though. I wanted to ask them how did they find us, and how did they know where to look. I suspiciously glanced at Caiden, but he seemed innocent. Could it be Colby? Would he have done it to me?

"We have to go. Now."

He waved at us telling to sit in the car immediately. I hesitated, but Caiden grabbed my hand just like I did before and pulled me in to the car at the back seat. He carefully put my seat belt on and I watched him do that without any movement in his face.

He put on his too and Jeramiah pulled out the driveway with the speed that nearly killed us. He joined the busy street so fast we almost were ran over by a truck.

"Will you tell us what happened? Because I feel like I'm being kidnapped."

Somehow I felt Caiden scolding me with his stare from the side. He wasn't approving my words, since I was talking with his friends. Well, they weren't my friends, they weren't my enemies, they were guys who had a mission and that mission broke my heart.

"We have to go the hospital."

"But why-?"

"Devan's life is in danger."

I gasped and felt vomit coming up my throat. Uncountable number of horrible scenarios were trying to get in to my head. What could have that idiot done? Caiden took my hand in between his palm and patted it calming me, but he didn't even glare at me from then on.

Something changed him within few seconds. Caiden Thornton somewhere disappeared, it was only his shadow sitting here with streets' lights hitting his face with their light from time to time. This rose's thorns just been cut off and I was the gardener responsible for that.

Hey! Please comment your thoughts and thanks for reading! Love ya ♥♥♥


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