Chapter XXIV

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-Dorian Klein's P.O.V-

Avery was lying on the floor in my embrace, she looked so fragile and innocent, but strong and like a rose, who had thorns she wasn't scared of or intimidated by the girl, who shamelessly threw the whole entire plate of cake at her. All though her words that she's okay NOW didn't slip though my ear unheard, I decided to politely don't bring it out on the stage for everyone to see.

"Ma'am, I afraid you will have to leave and pay for the trouble you caused."

I calmly stated and carefully glanced at the girl, who was all red and shaking, her eyes were shooting Avery with invisible bullets, good thing she didn't have lasers in her eyes or Avery would be dead by now.

"Ma'am?! Did you just called me ma'am?!"

It looked like she was searching for another cake that she could throw at me this time.

"I'm afraid it's not my job to guess your age."

I shrugged my shoulders and got up from the floor, then offered a hand for Avery and gladly she took it blushing a bit. Good, sign of benevolence. I was looking for it.

"Do I look old enough to be ma'am?"

This time the girl yelled at everyone in the coffee shop. I just hoped our costumes won't leave us for the show she put on in the middle of Joy-Joy.

"I don't know about your looks, but you're acting like a baby and not a grown up woman."

Avery decided to join the conversation and threw in few words. The girl turned all red, almost violet, like a volcano, which is about to erupt.

"You boyfriend stealing trash, shut up!"

I wondered how I managed to control my anger and just don't go and slap that girl across the face. Maybe I wasn't going to punch a lady. But with her actions, calling Avery like that, she was most definitely not a lady, if I could even call her a woman.

"I'm calling security."

I said and nodded to one of my coworkers, who, as I noticed, was already asking for guards to come and get this crazy girl.

"You have no right to throw me out!"

She was still shouting as two tall, muscular all black dressed security guards lead her way to the door.

"You're not welcome here anymore, ma'am."

I added just to piss her off. It would have been still polite, all thigh, I knew I shouldn't have called her that it was unprofessional, but I just couldn't resist it.

"If anyone should be kicked out it's that boyfriend stealing piece of crap!"

She screamed right before security closed the door in front of her. All the other costumer stared at glass door where behind them she was storming around, but at least she didn't come back in, after few minutes everyone came back to what they were doing g before this accident happened.

"Thank, you saved me there."

No, thank you, you just made my job easier. Of course, I didn't say that out loud.

"It's nothing, most important thing is that you're alright."

Avery smiled to sweetly and looked out the window, I followed her stare and soon I noticed her looking in to one of the cars. There was some blonde guy sitting in the car she was looking at. I unintentionally walked closer to the window and suddenly recognized the person.

"Isn't that Colby?"

I asked more myself than her, but Avery still heard it and answered, with another question following her reply.

"It is, you know him?"

I nodded and looked at her again. She blushed as our eyes met.

"Yeah, you too?"

I don't know why I cared if she knew the guy. Maybe I unconsciously thought he might be her boyfriend and that would mean automatic loose of the bet, for all of us.

"He's my brother, Colby and Avery McCoy."

She giggled and my eyes widened. Colby... Avery's brother? Why didn't I realize that earlier? He was practically my ticket to her heart. The more I will hang out with her older brother the more attached and used to me she will get, probably forming some sort of crush in the process. At least I thought so, it's logical, that you get attached to people and things you are around a lot.

"I didn't know that."

I shook my head and stated, like it wasn't obvious. I wouldn't have asked in the first place if I was capable of that knowledge.

"One big latte?"

The waiter from behind the counter asked and looked around, Avery lifted her hand and went to get her order. I followed her like some submissive dog.



She mumbled as she took the sip from her coffee cup and frowned it was probably way hotter than she expected. That guy who gave her coffee never puts enough milk in it.

"Last time I didn't get the chance, but... what are you doing on, let's say, Friday?"

I questioned her schedule and I saw her thinking about it. Something bothered her, but she wasn't about to tell me, I could understand that, we met not so long ago. Bu t what else does a friendship needs if no a little bit of courage? Of course, I wasn't seeking just for her friendship, but she didn't have to know that.

"I will probably stay at home with Colby if he won't go out to hang out with his friends or something."

She didn't seemed too happy about her brother hanging with his friends. Does that mean she disliked his choice of friends? Hey, I was one of them! At least, I considered myself to be.

"When what do you say if we hang out when?"

"Sure, I don't think Colby would disagree to see his friend."

I nodded. Damn it, she though I wanted to hang out with both of them. I don't say that I didn't , I haven't seen Colby in a long time, but I was too concentrated on wining this mission to waste my time on friends, even if I regret it later.

"Should I come over to your place?"

She glanced at her brother though the window once more. I saw him tilt his head and their eyes met. She waved at him and he tapped on the wheel nervously, I glared at the clock they were probably late.

"You know where I live?"

Her question unsettled me. I now realized that whenever I would hang out with Colby at his place I never saw her there. I don't think I even knew he had s sister, of course, I might have seen the pictures but she was never around whenever I or other guys came.

"I used to hang out there with Colby. But I never saw you?"

She seemed to be questioning the same thing.

"Strange that we ever met."

I don't know if she was regretting that she didn't meet me earlier or just accepting it as a fact.

"Colby said that his sister spent a lot of time in their neighbor's hose, I just didn't know that you were his sister."

Avery looked like she just got slapped by my words. I waved in front of her eyes as her stare got empty and she looked at the wall behind me with no expression.

"Oh sorry, yeah, I used to almost live at our neighbor's." She chuckled, but it wasn't very convincing or true, it seemed like a fake laugh to forget about something very unpleasant. "Not anymore."

I ran though that neighborhood in my mind. I have to find out, who are their neighbors.

Omg, I'm so happy that it's already a part twenty four, I can believe I wrote so far, thanks for reading and if you like the story please vote and comment!!!! Love ya ♥♥♥


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