Chapter L

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-Storyteller's P.O.V-

They, GOT7 boys without their leader and Avery McCoy, the girl, who has been chosen by them to become a target, to become a prize, to get involved in heart games, to be their girl, walked back in to the hospital with their heads down, but their souls full of hope again.

Ada was bouncing and making circles in the corridor behind the closed door. No one really knew what was going on in there, on the other side. Ada was concerned just as anyone else, and horrifyingly she realized that she was the reason why everyone had to worry about their friend's life. She couldn't forgive herself for that.

The thought of suicide completely got out of her head with no chance to come back. Ada was sure she won't open the same door and welcome the depression ever again. Not after seeing what people, who gets left behind feels.

"Avery, I know it's unfair of me to ask now, or ever! And I do that with uneasy heart, however if you knew about the bet, can you please tell us who won? I beg your forgiveness for our stupidity, we should have never played such a dangerous game."

Ross carefully asked and looked down at the floor. He couldn't contain the emotions inside. Avery nodded slowly, she understood their curiosity perfectly. She glanced at every guy for at least a second, and each one of them had something in his eyes different form the rest. Tyrell, Ross, Dorian, Jeramiah, Alec, Caiden... Was that even her decision?

Ada stood there silently in the corner. She didn't understand what was happening. What bet and what games were they discussing. But she got curious too. Alec's little sister noticed the stare Avery gave to each guy and she followed her glare. No one looked back, everyone was too scared, but suddenly Ross lifted his head and their eyes met.

One second. It was all it took. One tiniest glimpse of the whole entire world's time. One second and something in her heart tingled. She never felt that way before. If there was someone to tell her, she would have learned that it was love standing in her sight.

Tyrell, Ross, Dorian, Jeramiah, Alec, Caiden...

"I'm sorry." Avery sighted. "It's Devan. It has always been him."

Guys nodded agreeing. If anyone expected the answer to be any different, the truth was just released to freedom.

Jeramiah's heart shattered within second. He lost his princess once again. He had her in his embrace once, but she couldn't come back and just then he started to feel that this might be the gift from the fate itself she was dragged from him again. No, Avery might have reminded him about Melissa. Her eyes had the same spark, her voice echoed Melissa's tone, and Avery's attitude was so familiar. But she wasn't his princess. She was the queen and he bowed to her decision. He thought he found someone he was looking for a long time, but now, the search must be continued.

Caiden didn't let his eyes down. The picture of the girl, who he met no so long ago, but fell for her against his will and with no idea it's going to happen, stood in front of his face. He was the one that had to make her heart shake as soon as she sees him. But instead Avery turned his world around and mixed cards. Avery was the only one in his eyes. He let her choose freely.

Alec stood still. Almost no muscle in his body moved. He was running for so long and on such sharp knives covered ground with flames bursting out from under the surface, he was tired of moving by now. The moment he met Avery the time stopped and space didn't exist anymore. He could be himself once more and don't be scared of losing his breath after endless running. She was the shelter he could hid under. But now Avery slipped out of his hands and he just watched her go.

Dorian was relieved. He was glad that Avery stuck to what was right, to what her heart told her to choose. He never loved her more than just as a sister or so. The peace came to him as he realized that all of it have come to an end. There was no bet left. That meant, they had a freedom of decision once again.

Tyrell smiled to Avery and silently thanked her. He didn't know and he couldn't predict how will she react to it, but he knew that any obstacle in his way will mean nothing as long as he won't stop reaching for Sherry's heart. She was his everything.

Ross was blown away. His world shook like during an earthquake. He wasn't sure what and why happened, but just a moment ago his eyes met someone else's, and he fell in love. Ada, standing few feet away from him made his heart beat like never before. The bet was over, but the chase after his dream girl wasn't.

"Is there someone named Avery McCoy here?"

The nicely looking woman with nurse's uniform asked coming from the chamber that Devan was in. Everyone immediately straightened out and seven people pointed at the person standing behind them.

A little bit confused and with her head spinning like crazy Avery came closer to the nurse and bowed to her. The woman smiled understandingly and put a hand on her shoulder. The chills, they went down Avery's spine and disappeared in to the air after making around her waist.

"I'm Avery."

"We're doing our best. The patient is better by now, but his heart rate is still not stable, however he refuses to get the following treatment if we won't let him to talk to Avery McCoy, I'm glad you're here dear."

Avery nodded concerned. She wanted to meet with Devan badly. To see his eyes and if possible to make him smile, but maybe he was too weak, maybe it was too much to ask for. If so, even seeing him full of life again would have been a blessing.

"Just give me a second."

She said and was about to follow the nurse in to the room when Alec grabbed her by her shoulder and stopped right before stepping in. He had a small square shaped paper piece in his hand and was pressing it with his fingers really hard.

"We found this in his pocket."

He whispered and put the paper in to Avery's hand. She nodded and thanked him right before looking at what he gave her. It was a tiny picture of herself from many years ago. She barely recognized the girl smiling at her from the photo. She was young, innocent, different from Avery she became, but at the same time she was still the same Avery Devan knew all his life.

Avery flipped the square on the other side and smallest letters greeted her eyes. She squinted them and looked closer the writing on the other side of the picture immediately hit her heart and she pressed the paper against her chest.

"Thank you."

She said back to Alec wiping the tears off at instant.

"Good luck."

He waved at her. "I will never stop loving you." That's what was written there. Avery easily recognized the writing style of the person, who was and maybe still were her best friend for so many years.

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