Chapter XXXXII

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-Colby McCoy P.O.V-

She was sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Avery was covered in only a wet towel or something that looked like a towel. She was sobbing, I could clearly hear it, when she looked up her brightly red, puffy eyes, which crying caused, just pierced me. Her hair was also all wet and... short!? My jaw dropped. I had no clue what was I looking at.

"What happened?"

I ran to the couch immediately and set down next to her. I pulled my little sister in to the hug and let her head rest on my chest completely ignoring the fact that because of the water she was covered in, my t-shirt became soaking wet.

"Nothing, I'll be fine."

She said it absolutely aware that it isn't going to convince anyone. I stroke her hair and started lightly swinging trying to calm her down.

"You can tell me anything Avery, you know that."

I assured my sister and heard her trying to control her sob before it came out, but the mission went unsuccessfully and the tears started falling down on to my chest, which was all wet already, so I didn't mind.

"Devan was here..."I didn't even need to hear what else she had to say. Even that name made me mad. It didn't explain why she was all covered in water, she could have taken a shower, of course, but the mystery of Avery's short, unevenly cut hair was still unsolved. "Colby, he breaks my heart every time I see him, more and more, every single time!"

She confessed, I was stunned by her sudden openness. I wanted to go and kill that guy right now, right there. But I went with the second worst decision if not worse.

"Avery, it is just..."It was hard to say." It's just a bet they made."

She looked up to me in shock, the information didn't quite reach her brain since it came out of the blue with no explanation. Maybe Devan was breaking my sister's heart and I was about to break his neck, but my words should have hurt her way more than his actions.

"What... what do you mean?"

She wiped tear drops off her cheeks and whispered. I hesitated before answering to her, but there was no way back, words were already out there, what happened was done and I only could finish what I started.

"Avery, GOT7, including Devan, had a bet." I didn't add my suspicions that Devan was exactly the one to come up with the whole deal. "They gave each other... time, a month, to make you fall in love with one of them. Avery, it's too hard for me to say this, but it was all a game."

I couldn't not see the pain on her face. Maybe those guys got closer to her than I though and I didn't even notice them sneaking in. I wasn't a best brother. I definitely wasn't, or I would have protected her.

"They played a game."

She stated and looked away nodding to herself. She needed some time alone, so I got up and walked away. She was looking at the window, but the curtain was closed, I had no idea what she saw there, but her stare was just frozen to that spot.

"Avery, I think you should stay away from Devan, he's not worth your time."

I said right before leaving the room. I wanted to add that she should keep the distance between her and all of the other guys too, but just a blind man wouldn't have saw how attached she got to Devan.

And I still didn't want to believe it. I couldn't forgive Caiden, but he was my friend and I was willing to fix our friendship.

-Avery McCoy's P.O.V-

It was all a game. One huge lie. One by one faces of the guys ran through my mind. I saw Caiden friendly offering me a ride first day we met. Dorian leaving me a sweet note under a cup of coffee. Tyrell, who seemed to be a douche, but turned out that he's a very cute and sensitive guy. Ross, he helped me with absolutely anything I needed and just seemed to always be there for me. Jeramiah and best first date I ever had. Alec and his satisfying surprising openess.

And Devan.

I tried to remember something nice about him too. But nothing came to mind. Different pictures ran through my mind, it was so random and various I barely was able to catch the glimpse of it. It seemed like he couldn't pick a side. He looked like an actor trying to hold one man's show, because every other artist ran away and now he had to be a bad guy, a prince and a best friend.

As much as I just wanted to throw him out, he was the one to leave the deepest cuts in my heart.

I watched the curtain covering the window, I wondered if Devan already left. However I didn't go and check. I would have sacrificed myself to save him from burning in hell, but at the same time, now, I would be the one to send him into eternal flames.

My phone ringed somewhere upstairs, I impassively looked up, but didn't move. Whoever it was it could wait. Few second later the melody stopped, but the quiet whisper came from up there instead of silence, which should have followed the missed call.

"Sherry, I'm serious!"

I suddenly heard Colby shout and instantly ran to my room. The wet towel I was covering myself in, left water drops all over the floor as I walked, but it was the last thing I cared about. As I guessed Colby was in MY room, talking to MY best friend, on MY phone.

He shouted and his back was turned on me, so my brother didn't feel how I walked up to him from behind and stood there silently listening to the conversation.

"Colby, I just need to talk to my best friend. I thought we were fine?"

Sherry's voice on the other side seemed concerned.

"Listen to me, Avery needs some time alone. Even from you. But Sherry, I beg you, try to understand what I'm saying. It's not only about my sister it's about you too."

I blinked staring at my older brother's back, the emotion that I couldn't recognize played in his voice. My appearance was still unappreciated, so I decided to keep it that way.

"Colby, it's not me, who needs to listen, it's you. I moved on from you and you should too. I don't care what you say, but I will be there for Avery no matter what, and if you are really as concerned about her as you pretend to be, when you have to know Tyrell won't have a tiniest effect on how I act with my best friend."

Sherry looked tired from all this talking and fed up with Colby, but he wasn't done, not yet.

"Tyrell is a bad guy Sherry! He's not for you!"

I almost gasped, but stopped it at the last moment. Sherry and ...Tyrell, after all? Has she had any idea about the bet?

"That's it, I'm coming to see Avery, and I don't care what you think, I have my own life, and I suggest to get yourself one."

She hang up before Colby answered he angrily turned around and met me eye to eye.

"Sherry and Tyrell...?"

I asked with no idea what to expect for an answer. It seemed unreal, of course I was aware that he likes her the first time we met it was quite obvious that he is interested in Sherry, but from there on... after that tattoo... I realized that Sherry never mentioned him after that.

"I'm sorry."

My eyes filled with tears, not because I was shocked that my best friend could be with one of those guys, who were personally responsible for the pain I was experiencing. I was scared. Horrified. I couldn't let anyone break my best friend's heart like it happened to me.

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