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*Regan's POV*

Okay, this isn't quite what I had in mind, but I really can't leave Cara alone. This could work though. Its obvious that Cara and Michael like each other, but Cara will never admit to it. Am I doing the right thing? It's only been 24 hours since TJ broke up with her. Fucking prick. But I can't deny how quickly her mood changes around Michael. I couldn't believe that one little hug from him this morning was all it took to get her smiling again. But, knowing Cara, she's already friendzoned him. I gotta change that.

I knock on Cara's door and walk in. She's laying in bed staring at the ceiling. The empty look in her eyes tells me she's putting herself down again. Blaming herself for TJs drunken stupidity. She's probably thinking about the future she was supposed to have. Time for dwelling is over!

I start digging through her suitcase she has yet to unpack. She sits up, "What are you doing?" she asks.

I groan, finding nothing good for tonight. An idea sparks and I smile at her. "Get up! We're going SHOPPING!"

Three hours later we come bouncing through the door, laughing. Shopping is the greatest therapy of all! We ran our bags to our room and I ran back into Cara's room, grabbing the denim mini skirt and the black & white off the shoulder crop top she bought at H&M, throwing them on the bed.

"Get dressed. We've got a double date to get ready for!"

Cara's face fell. "I can't Regan. Are you kidding me? I'm a walking travesty."

"Quoting All Time Low? Well then consider this your THERAPY! You can 'choke on your misery' later," I smirk at her, "Now get dressed. I'll be back to do your hair! Let's make Mikey drool again!" and I bound out the door laughing, shutting the door just as a pillow hits it. At least a smile was on her face when I said Michael's name. I don't think she realized it, but I did!


*Michael's POV*

I shift nervously from one foot to the other, scratching the back of my neck as Calum rings the doorbell to Regan's townhouse. Why am I so nervous? It's a double date. I've never been this nervous for a date before. But this is Cara. I'm so scared of doing something wrong, saying something that will upset her again.

Regan opens the door and ushers us in. She looks nice. I see why Calum likes her. Definitely his taste in women. I follow Calum inside and stand there look around for Cara.

"She'll be down in a sec," Regan tells me and she winks at me. I knew she was up to something. Then I hear her coming down the stairs and I look up. Oh. My. God! I feel like everything's in slow motion, except for the insides of my stomach. They're in double time. I bite my bottom lip to keep my mouth closed. And I thought she looked gorgeous yesterday in her tattered pajamas! She's HOT! Down boy. Please stay down. Most girls that wear mini skirts and crop tops look slutty, but her... She looks... perfect!

Calum nudges me and snaps me out of my trance, again. This girl is gonna be the death of me! I notice Cara looking at me as she reaches the bottom of the stairs, biting her lip. Damn those lips. "Um," I stutter, "You l-look a-a-amazing!" Way to look like an idiot Mike! Mental facepalm!

She blushes and stares at her feet before looking up at me, "Thanks" she finally squeaks out. Even that squeak is beautiful.

Calum saves the day by asking if we should go, and we all head out to his car. Calum and Regan are in the front and I climb into the back with Cara. As she sits nervously, her skirt rides up her legs slightly more and I force myself to keep my hands to myself and look out the window. Its going to be a long night!

*Cara's POV*

About ten minutes later, we pull into a parking lot and I see a quaint little Mexican restaurant, La Tolteca. The parking lot is packed, a sign that it's good food. Calum knows more about Regan than I thought. Mexican food is the quickest way to her heart! She could eat enchiladas every day for the rest of her life and never get sick of it. I'm nervous though. I love Mexican food, but I'm a messy eater. God, please don't let me make a fool of myself! As we all walk in, the smell makes my stomach growl. I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as I look down. Already off to a bad start. I hear Michael lean down and whisper in my ear, "Hungry, princess?" as he giggled. The feel of his breath on my ear sends shivers down my spine. Why do my ears have to be so damn sensitive?! I quickly follow the waiter to our seat and climb carefully into the booth, Michael following behind me. Thank goodness Regan sits directly across from me, with Calum to her left across from Michael.

The silence at the table is almost deafening. I'm pretty sure its my fault. Everything is always my fault. No one wants to set me off into another crying spell.

Regan senses my uneasiness and breaks the silence, "So, this isn't exactly Southern Cal style mexican food, but its the best we've found out here so far."

I laugh at her because she's right. Nothing compares to the mexican food in LA because face it, USC is only a couple hours north of Mexico!

Casual conversation continued and it turned out to be a fun night out.

"Hey Care - you call James yet?" Regan asked. I noticed Michael tense up when she mentioned my stepbrother's name. I could have fun with this! But I'm not a bitch, I can't do that to people. And I really wanted to become friends with him. I actually think I want to open up to him as well. What the hell?!

"Shit! I'm such a bad sister! Even you remembered my own brothers birthday before I did!" I laughed, watching Michael ease up.

"James is my little buddy! Of course I remembered!" Regan laughed. "Its almost 8:00. Better call him before he goes to bed!"

I excused myself and went outside to call home. I needed to let them all know I made it safely anyways.

"Hello?" my step mom answers.

"Hi mom. Is James still up?"

"Barely, but he's been forcing himself to stay up because he knew his big sis wouldn't forget his birthday! I'll get him."

I stood outside for awhile talking to my brother and my stepmom before I started to shiver from the cold. I felt a leather jacket drape over my shoulders as I look to see Michael smile at me. I smile back and get lost in his beautiful green eyes.

"Cara?" I hear through the phone. Oops. I blush and go back to my conversation. "Uh, yeah, sorry. What?"

"I was asking if you, Regan and TJ wanted to come up this weekend." Crap I never told her about TJ.

"Um, well..." I took a deep breath. "TJ and I aren't together anymore, Mom. But I can check with Regan. Maybe we can come up with Calum and Michael." I rushed the words out of my mouth. I don't want to talk about TJ right now. I was enjoying my evening with Mikey. There was a silence on the line that made me uneasy. I know she's going to ask questions I don't wanna answer right now.

"I've got to go Mom. I'll talk to Regan and call you back, ok?"

She sighed and said ok. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I forced a half smile at Michael because I didn't know what to say.

Regan and Calum came out at that point and we all headed to the car. After climbing in, I decided to mention it while we are all together.

"So guys," I started, "Anyone have plans for this weekend?"

Calum replied, "We're supposed to have band practice but we can change it. Why? What's up?" They're in a band? Damn that's hot! I wonder what Michael plays.

"Well," I answered, "My Mom invited us up to Penn State for the weekend. I haven't been home in ages, and I need to see them. You don't have to, but it could be fun. All the students are gone for the holiday and the clubs open up for us local underage teens." I rambled on.

Regan looked at me and we both smiled huge smiles. "Indigo here we come!" we said simultaneously and busted up laughing.

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