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*Michael's POV*

"Shit! LUKE!!!" I yell out my bedroom door.

"What?" He sounds annoyed.

I hand him my phone, open to the text conversation I just had with Regan. "What the fuck do I do man? Shit!" I'm pacing, running my hands through my hair nonstop. I have to fix it before I go over or she'll really think something's up.

"Tell her the truth, just not everything. Tell her that you and I have been working on a surprise for her. Tell her you haven't been around because you don't want to spoil it before it's time."


"I told you she was going to get suspicious! After all the shit she went through with her ex, you should've known she'd react this way."

"Ok ok I get it. I'm a dumbass. Okay I'm gonna go fix this."

I get to their front door and Regan opens it with a death glare. Great. "What the hell is going on Michael?" I pull her outside so Cara can't hear, but she might be out on the roof smoking so I drag her into my car.

"It's not what you think, okay? Luke has been helping me plan a surprise for Cara. I'm really excited and I was afraid that if I was around her I'd slip and mess up the surprise, ok?"

She looks skeptical. "What kind of surprise?"

"Ugh! If I tell you, you can NOT say a word, even to Calum! Especially not that blabbermouth! Is that clear? I'm not going through all this so that you can blow it at the last minute, okay?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I get it. Trust me, I can keep my mouth shut! I helped TJ plan the proposal for months and never let anything slip!"

"I didn't need to know that, but okay. So valentines day is in 9 days, during the week, right? She's had so much shit going on lately that I wanted to take her on a little vacation. A weekend getaway next weekend. I have the hotel booked, I was at Tyson's today buying her clothes so she doesn't have to pack anything. Luke and I have been working out every tiny detail!"

"Ohmygod! That is so sweet! She's going to love it! And you're right, she could really use it. I just got scared. It felt like TJ repeated all over again, from the way things look to Cara. But your secret is safe with me. I can help pack her toiletries and makeup and stuff if you want, too."

"I've got that covered too, but thanks!"

"Okay, now go make things right with your girlfriend!"

*Cara's POV*

I've been sitting out here on the roof, chain smoking for an hour now crying and debating if I want to even try to call Michael. I'll probably just get his voicemail. Again. The thought makes me sick to my stomach. I hear someone coming out the window towards me and then I hear his voice. I've missed it so much. "Cara angel?" he says as he sits down next to me. I ignore him and keeping looking straight ahead.

"Angel, I know what your thinking and I PROMISE you I'm not cheating on you. I could never do that to you."

I turn towards him, the evidence of my tears remaining on my face. "Then what aren't you telling me? I haven't seen you in a week, you don't return my calls, what is going on Michael?"

He runs his hand through his hair as he answers. "Look, Luke has been helping me plan a surprise for you. I can't tell you what it is yet because it's not ready. But I swear that's all I've been doing. I haven't come over or talked to you because I'm so afraid I'll slip up and give something away. I want this to be special for you, because you are so special to me. And you deserve it. I can't tell you when, uh, when this surprise will be... revealed, but I promise you it will be worth it. I love you so much angel."

He was really struggling with the right words to say there! "Just bear with me here a little longer, please? Its been killing me not hearing your voice, not holding you in my arms. But I just want this to be as perfect as you are!"

I'm crying happy tears now. "I'm sorry. I just- I jumped to conclusions." I can't seem to spit the words out.

"You had every right to. After what you've been through, I was stupid to think I could do that without you get suspicious. But I will never ever do that to you angel. I'm too deep in love with you."

"I love you Mikey!"

"I love you too angel."

*Michael's POV*

Finally! Its finally Friday, the day we leave for Virginia Beach for our weekend getaway! I made it through two whole weeks without letting anything slip! I just finished loading our bags in the trunk of the car, running down the checklist of everything we'll need in my head. I even put rose petals on the passenger seat!

I did need Regan's help with a few things afterall... Finding out her classroom so I can meet her there, and I had to ask her about her woman stuff, just in case. I haven't noticed any signs of it so I didn't know when she would be expecting it next. Lucky for me, she's on the shot, so she doesn't even get her monthly thing. How did I get so lucky?!

I say goodbye to my mates and head off to AIW to pick her up. Let the weekend begin!

a/n I know this chapter sucks, but I promise you'll enjoy the next few! I had a blast writing them!

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