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*Cara's POV*

Michael brought me back to the townhouse and helped bring everything inside. I wanted to ask him to stay longer, but I knew he wanted to get back home and talk to the guys about the tweet. Not to mention that Regan was practically jumping out of her skin wanting to hear about the weekend.

As soon as Michael left, she set me on the couch. "Soooo?? Tell me all about it!"

"He took me out to dinner then to the hotel. We walked the beach, a lot. Walked around town, the boardwalk, watched the sunset. Mostly stayed in the room and relaxed though. Bubble bath, breakfast in bed. It was really romantic and relaxing." I told her.

"Mmmm stayed in the hotel, hu?" Of course that's what she'd pick up on most. "And just what exactly did you DO in the hotel room?!" I felt my cheeks warming up so I started running my fingers through my curls, in front of my face, pretending to get knots out.

"I KNEW IT! Oh my god yes! Is he is as big as Calum says he is?" My head popped up at that.

"Oh my god Regan! You did not just ask me that!!! And how would Calum know how big Michael is?"

"So he IS that big?"

"Oh my god I didn't say that!"

"So he's little?"

"I didn't say that either!!!"


"Oh my god Regan! I could barely walk yesterday, ok? You haven't answered my question!" She burst out laughing. I can't believe I just said that! I'm sure I'm bright red at this point.

"Calum said Michael walks around naked a lot, that's all." She's still laughing.

I grab my bags and head upstairs, leaving her laughing on the couch. I'm so embarrassed! I text Michael because I have no doubt that she's going to tell Calum about this conversation.

To Mikey
I hate Regan

To my angel
Oh no. Why.

To Mikey
She wouldn't stop asking questions!

To Mikey
About your size

To my angel
Lolol she's just jealous!

To Mikey
Hands off bitch! He's mine! ;)

To my angel
Only yours!

To my angel
Gotta run. I'm getting tackled. Luv u. xxxx

I'm smiling again. He always knows how to make me smile!

I got everything unpacked, and washed my clothes from the weekend. I just finished my homework and now I'm going through the digital pictures from the weekend. I call Regan over to look through them with me as we scroll through. She was really impressed. I dont usually show her my photos because they're usually boring ones for a class assignment, but these are different. I download a few of my favorites to my laptop for later use and get ready for bed.

The next month passes by quickly. Things are great between Michael and I. When we're not in school, either he's here with me or I'm at their place watching them practice. Ever since the tweet from Louis Tomlinson, they've gotten a lot more serious about rehearsing and making YouTube videos. They've gained a ton of followers on twitter, too. I mean, a lot. I made myself a twitter and I follow them, too, of course.

We've also been working on my final project for English. I'm using jet black heart. I've been taking a lot of pictures of the guys, both practicing and just hanging out. They've been practicing the song a lot too. Soon we're going to record it onto PowerPoint to use as the background.

They have their first gig this weekend at a small coffee shop /concert venue. It's not going to be a huge turn out most likely, but they're really excited. I'm going to take pictures of it for my English project.

The guys just finished rehearsing their set list so Michael and I decide to go out to Starbucks for a bit. Finding time for just the two of us is hard with us both having roommates.

"How did that job interview go with Picture People?" he asks as we find an empty couch in the corner. Picture People is a portrait studio in the mall. While I really am not fond of doing portraits, its experience, it's money, and , well, it's photography.

"I should be hearing back in the next couple days," I answer.

"I was thinking, Cara," he starts but I have to tease him. "You were? Oh my god!" He glares at me, but I see the smile underneath.

"I was thinking," he starts again, "if you get this job, and with the money mum gives me for rent... Um I was just thinking..." he takes a deep breath. "What do you think about moving in together? You know.. A place of our own?" He scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Really?" I ask surprised. I've been thinking about that since we left Virginia Beach but I didn't want to rush things.

"I mean... It was just a thought... We don't have to... I just,"

"Mikey!" I interrupted with a smile "I would absolutely love to!"


"Okay, so. Oh my god. Wow. Really?" I can't help but laugh. I don't know why he would think I wouldn't want to!

"Yes Mikey. I've been thinking about it for awhile now myself. Really." There's that smile I love most!

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