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*Ashton's POV*

"I got released from my sentence!!" I said running inside Luke and Calum's room before Cara decided to change her mind. Louis and Niall were here too but I dont mind. They all started laughing hysterically.

"That bad?" Luke asked

"You have no idea!" I know I'm whining, but seriously! "I think they were being extra loud on purpose!" Again they're laughing at me. "I had my music as loud as I could, and I could still hear it. I can never hear 'Oh God Michael' or 'Fucking hell Cara' again without cringing. I'm scarred for life!" Okay, its not as bad as I'm making it sound. It did help me jack off in the shower, but NOONE needs to know that!

"Quit being a drama queen Ash," Calum tells me. I forgot that he's heard them lots of times.

"So what did you do to get this payback Ashton?" Louis asks

"I walked in on them. In their house. In their bedroom."

"Dumbass move Ashton! Seems like she makes the punishment fit the crime," Niall chimed in. I just nod because, yeah, she definitely does.

"Yeah, I'm never doing that again!"


*Cara's POV*

"MICHAEL! GET UP!" I yell at him as I climb on top of him. "You neeeed to get up!" I've been trying for twenty minutes to wake him up, but he refuses to budge. He tries holding back a smile and I know he's finally awake.

"Keep squirming around. I'm definitely getting up!" He says with a smirk. I smack his chest playfully. "Oh my god Mikey! If you woke up twenty minutes ago when I first started trying to get you up, then we could fix this little, err, quite large problem of yours," I can't stop the giggle. "But now there's not enough time! You have to be downstairs in 15 minutes for rehearsal!"

"It takes me 5 minutes to get dressed, and with as sexy as you look right now, I only need two minutes! There's plenty of time!"

"Ugh! Michael! Just get dressed, will ya? You can't be late the first day of tour! And I need to get dressed anyways! I'm coming too, to get a feel for the arena."

"Oh I'll make you come alright! I'll give you a good feel!"

"Oh my god Michael! You are in quite a mood today! Get dressed!" I quickly throw on some denim shorts and a crop top, throw on my vans, brush my teeth and throw my hair up in a high ponytail. I hairspray the loose frizzy flyaways. "How about this? We make it out the door in two minutes, I'll let you find some remote corner of the arena for us to sneak away, ok?"

Without a word, he's running, literally, through the room as I grab my cameras and lenses. He grabs me by the hand, checking to make sure he has the room key and drags me out the door. He looks at me proudly as he hits the elevator button. "A minute and a half! Arena here we come!" What did I do? We step out of the elevator and all three of my guys look in complete shock at Michael and I.

"What?" I ask.

"Michael's on time! Niall heard you less than 15 minutes ago yelling at him to get up! How the hell did you get him out of bed, dressed and down here in 10 minutes?!" Luke asked in total awe.

Michael smirked, "She promised me hot dirty sex!" All 8 of the guys start laughing and I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, while Michael smiles with pride. Deep breath Cara! You can survive this!

Ashton still looks in shock as we head to the SUVs. I had begun to tell him a little at a time about my grandpa before we left DC, so he knows how I feel about anything considered "dirty". He pulls me back behind the group.

"Hot dirty sex Cara? You?" He asks quieter than normal, but not exactly quiet enough. I notice the ears of the four Brits perk up at the conversation.

"I HATE to be late! Absolutely despise being late! And besides, after the flight over here, I'm finding that dirty can be quite fun!" and I saunter off to catch up to Michael.

We arrive at the arena and are shown the dressing rooms, showers, stage, and all the ins and out of not getting lost tonight during the show. When the guys go to set up equipment and practice their set, I wander out onto the stage, getting a full shot of the entire empty arena. Holy shit this place is huge! They're playing to this many people? I think back to the panicky nature of my four favorite people before their last show. I'm going to be working double time tonight! Dear lord!

"17 thousand" I hear behind me, startling me.

"Why does everyone like to do that to me?!" I screech as I turn to see Niall coming out onto the stage. "This is absolutely insane!" I am in such awe. They did it! They really have! And I get to experience it with them! I grab my phone and snap a picture as well, sending it to Regan with the text They really did it!

"Who you sending that to?" he asks.

"My best friend Regan, Calum's girlfriend." He nods his head. Niall isn't the most talkative, but seems pretty friendly. But I still don't say much. I've come a long way since I met Michael, but I still don't trust people right away. Except the 5SOS guys, of course.

"Well, I'm going to get a feel for the stage and angles and stuff," I say, hopping off the stage. I start walking around inside the barricade that the arena staff has already set up, looking at what spots will give me the best spot for each of my guys. This is going to be unreal!

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