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*Michael's POV*

It's been almost a week since we were at the police station filing charges against Trevor. It's been almost a week since I've really talked to Cara. Sure, we've texted here and there, but it's just been small talk. She's been spending a lot of time with Ashton this week and it's really starting to bother me. I don't want to seem clingy or jealous, but I am.

"Dude, what the hell is going on lately?" Luke asks me. "The only times I've seen Cara lately, she's been on the computer with Ash. Is everything okay with you two?"

"I honestly don't know. She's gotten so distant since she filed the charges. She always has some excuse why she can't see me. But she's with Ash all the time. I don't understand."

"Do they have something going on? I mean, they could be seeing each other behind your back?" Calum smacks Luke on the back of the head for that. "Are you crazy, dude? Don't say shit like that! Just talk to her about it Michael."

"Yeah, sure, if I can ever schedule in a time with her." Yeah I know that sounded really mean, but it's really starting to bother me.

"Then don't give her a choice. It's that simple."

Maybe it is that simple. Okay. I'm just going to go over and show up and force her to talk to me. I can't take this anymore.

I get to her front door and before I ring the doorbell, I hear voices around back. I step closer until I hear, "He's going to hate me, Regan. How did I ever let that happen? I knew it was wrong but I didn't stop it from happening."

"He's not going to hate you Cara. You just need to tell him, before he finds out from someone else."

Tell me what? Is Luke right? Oh my god no, please. She wouldn't do that would she? After what she went through with TJ, would she do the same thing? I turn around to leave, but my clumsy self bumps ends up losing my balance and falling into the bushes. Shit.

"Hello?" Regan calls out. I try to climb out of the bush but I'm stuck. Shit! "Uh a little help here?" I call out to her.

"Michael?" It's Cara that comes to the gate separating the front from the back yard. Now I'm busted! "Yeah, can you help me?" She steps out of the gate and bursts out laughing as she helps me up. I've missed hearing her laugh. "Only you Mikey! What were you doing anyways? Spying on us?"

I look down at my feet trying to think of some excuse but my mind draws a blank.

"Oh my god, you were!" She yells. "Why were you spying on us? Hu?"

"I don't know, maybe because you've hardly said a word to me all week? Because you're always too busy to see me or talk to me, but you're never too busy for Ashton? What the fuck is going on here Cara? Are you sleeping with him? Or is it someone else?!"

"WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP? I HAVE NEIGHBORS YOU KNOW! TAKE THIS INSIDE - NOW!" Regan interrupts. She's pissed and so am I.

"You know what? I'll just leave. Cara doesn't want to see me anyways. I'm outta here." I turn and walk back to my car and drive home.


*Cara's POV*

"Fuck fuck fuck! What the hell was that?! Oh my god! Seriously? Does he seriously think I'm cheating on him?! And with ASHTON?!" Oh my god, he's going to punch him again! I need to warn Ash! I quickly dial Ashton's number.

"Hey Cara! What's up?" He answers.

"Oh my god Ashton! I don't understand but this isn't good. You need to hide. Now..."

"Woah woah woah, calm down Cara." A door slams in the background on the line. I hear Michael yelling, "Of COURSE you're talking to Cara! She probably called you as soon as I left. 'Oh boo how, Ashton. He found out about us!'"

"What the hell are you talking about Michael?!" Ashton replies. At this point, I'm just listening to the fight on the other end of the line.

"Don't play dumb with me Ashton! I know you're seeing Cara behind my back. She's such a fucking slut!"

All of a sudden I hear skin on skin contact, but I don't know who was on the receiving end of it. How did this even start?! I am so confused and hurt. If Michael thinks I'm a slut, when I haven't done anything, what would he think if he knew what happened before I moved to California? This is what I was afraid of, and now I'm on the end of a phone listening to it all unravel.

"You are such a fucking idiot Michael!" Ashton yells. "Do you honestly think I would EVER do that to you?! Do you really think CARA would do that to you? To anyone? After all she's been through? How can you be so stupid? I've been helping Cara try to track down Chris, her biological father, for Christ's sake! You are such a dumbass!" I've definitely been forgotten about so I hang up the phone and start to cry. My head's going in circles trying to figure out what just happened. I flop down on my bed and cry myself to sleep.

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