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*Cara's POV*

My alarm sounded and I groan as I reach to turn it off. I hate waking up early, but the only time that was still available for algebra was a 9am class. It's better than 3 classes with TJ, though.

After I shower, I throw on my skinny jeans and another oversized sweatshirt, my normal winter attire, run my fingers through my curls, grab my phone and head downstairs. I have 10 minutes left to eat and get to the bus. I don't have a car, and I am the only one of our group that's going to AIW. My phone buzzes as I grab a bagel and head out the door.

To my angel
Good morning angel <3

To Mikey
Morning babe

To my angel
When's your last class today?

To Mikey
Ends at 11. Home by 12. Short day.

To my angel
Have a good first day! Luv u xx

To Mikey
Thanks. U 2! Luv u xx

I get to the bus stop moments before the bus and climb on. I find an empty seat and put my ear buds in. Before I know it, I'm at school and I head off to Algebra. I'm really good at math, I just screwed off so much in high school that I have to retake it. At least my morning class is an easy one. I find an empty seat by itself near the back and plop down. The professor walks in, introduces himself and hands out the syllabus. We spend 45 minutes going over what to expect, we're given our first assignment, then released early. Typical first day of classes.

I head off to my English Composition class, dreading the next hour. The only class I now have with TJ. I got here early, so I just sit outside against the wall with my ear buds in and work on my algebra assignment. Might as well get it done now when I have nothing else to do. Halfway through, I feel someone sitting next to me. I glance over and see TJ smiling at me. This is going to be a long semester.

"Hey beautiful," I cringe at his words, "How have you been?"

"Fine," I say as I get up off the ground. I still have 15 minutes before I can go in and I don't want to spend them with him. I need to find somewhere to go. Thankfully my phone gives me an excuse to ignore him.

To my angel
Hey angel! How'd class go?

To Mikey
Boring. It'll be easy though.

To Mikey
U headed to class?

To my angel
Yup. Music history. Only way to get me out of bed.

I chuckle, trying to keep it to myself. And TJ looks at me with a smirk.

"You're seeing someone" he says. It wasn't said as a question.

"And?" I reply shortly

"He makes you happy, I can see it in your eyes."

"Yup." Damnit I have nowhere I can escape to.

"The guy you were with at Indigo?" He doesn't deserve an answer so I ignore him.
"I hope he treats you better than I did," he said sadly. God he's getting on my nerves! The doors to the classroom open and the previous class files out. After everyone leaves, I head inside and find a seat, again in the back. TJ sides into the seat next to me. I groan and I look at him, "What do you want TJ?"

"I miss you," he answers quietly.

"Well that's your fault isn't it?" I snap back at him. I really dont have the patience right now for this. Class needs to hurry up and start. My phone vibrates again

To my angel
Good luck today. You're strong. U got this!

Finally class starts and I send Michael one last quick text.

To Mikey
Tks babe. He's annoying. Can't wait to see u. Come over after ur done. Luv u xxx

I lock my phone and pay attention to the professor. She's young and energetic. She seems like she will make this class enjoyable for once. We go over the syllabus and I groan to myself. 5 essays in one semester. There goes the little social life I have.

"Your first assignment for next class is to write about yourself, in any form you choose. It can be through poetry, a story, or an essay. I want it to express who you are right now and where you are in your life. Class dismissed"

Are you kidding me? This is going to be hell! My life is shit right now. The only good thing in my life is my (now red headed) dork of a boyfriend! I grab my stuff and dart out the door.

"Cara, wait!" TJ calls after me. I ignore him and head to the bus stop. I just want away from him.

The bus comes before TJ catches up to me.

I arrive back at the townhouse, make myself a sandwich and head to my room. I climb out my window to the roof for a smoke and just sit there for awhile.

"Hey you!" Michael says as he climbs out and sits next to me. I didn't realize that I was out here this long.


"How was class with the asshole?" he asks.

I groan and lay back on the roof, staring at the sky. "He's annoying and I have to write about myself and where I am in life! This semester is gonna suck!"

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