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*Michael's POV*

These first few days of tour have gone so quickly. We did four shows in LA and now we're getting on a bus that will be our home for the next several months. As soon as we're in Gus Bus, everyone takes off running to claim a bunk. Cara pushes through them and claims the back room as ours.

"That's not fair! That's a lounge, not a bedroom!" Calum whines. "Where can I play FIFA?"

"Would you rather Mikey and I share the bunk above yours Cal?" Cara asks him. His eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly. "Nope, you can have the lounge! I'll set up the Xbox in the front." Cara and I both laugh and take our bags to the back room. I jump down on the bed and scoot against the back wall that serves as the headboard, opening my arms for Cara to join me. She climbs into my arms and rests her head on my chest. I didn't see her much yesterday because she had to go to her old doctor for another shot, and had to wait 24 hours afterwards, so it feels like forever. But before I know it, she's asleep in my arms. There's a knock at the door and I quietly tell whoever it is to come in.

Luke comes in and sees Cara asleep. "Oh. Cal just wanted me to see of you wanted to play some FIFA, but I guess not?"

"Naah, I'm cool here," I tell him. "But I wanted to ask you something." Once I heard we're going to Vancouver soon, I wanted to talk to him, just haven't had a chance.

"What's up?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You know Josh Ramsay, right?"

He nods, "Kinda, why?"

"Well, we're going to be in Vancouver soon, and Marianas Trench is one of Cara's favorite bands." Before I can say any more, he smiles.

"I'm on it!" he says, walking out of the room, shitting the door behind him and I drift off to sleep.

*Luke's POV*

I never knew that Cara liked Marianas Trench so much. Not many people know who they are. I met Josh a few years ago and he sort of took me under his wing. I skype with him a lot and he's helped me write a few songs. I decide to text him about Cara now, before we get too busy.

To Josh R
Hey Josh!

To Luke
Hey man what's up?

To Josh R
Gonna be in Vancouver in 10 days. U around?

To Luke
Yeah. Have a local show day after yours but not much else. U should come by.

To Josh R

To Josh R
Michaels gf is on tour with us and loves you guys. Hoping to surprise her. Can u hook us up?

To Luke
5? Definitely. I'll keep u posted.

To Josh R
Thanks mate

Yes! She's going to love it!

*Cara's POV*

Where am I? This isn't the hotel! Oh right, we're on the bus. Sunlight is peeking through the edge of the closed curtains but the bus isn't moving. We must be in San Diego. I didn't mean to fall asleep so quickly last night, but it's been a tiring few days. When we weren't at the arena, I was showing all 9 of the guys around LA. Late nights and early mornings catch up with you. At least we have a couple days off before really hitting the road. Michael's still asleep, and he needs it. Once everyone's up, we'll be checking into the hotel, so I can shower in the room. I try to climb out of Michael's arms, but he turns to his side and pulls me in tighter. I guess I'll get food later.

As I'm laying there, my dad calls to see how tour is going. I promise to send him a few pictures and get the latest updates on my family. Michael starts to stir so I say goodbye to my dad and turn my attention to him. "Good morning babe!"

He scowls, "You've been up for a little while. I like your morning voice, but I missed it," he pouts. "You're not allowed to do that anymore!" He's such a dork sometimes!

"Well now that you're awake, can I finally get up and get food? I'm starving!"

"Food? Let's go!"


*Luke's POV*

We just checked in to the hotel when my phone buzzes

To Luke
Got 5 tix to my show & 5 backstage passes
Should I come surprise her at ur show or wait to meet her at mine?

To Josh R
Thanks mate!! I'll check w/Michael & let u know

To Michael
I need to talk to u.

To Luke
On my way. Cara just hopped in the shower

A minute later Michael knocks on the door and I let him in. "So what's up? Everything alright?"

"Everything's great. Josh has 5 tickets to the Marianas Trench show the night after ours with backstage passes. Did you want for her to meet them before that or wait? I'm sure we could get them backstage after our show and surprise her if you wanted."

"What if we get them front row so she sees them but doesn't meet them til the next day?"

"I love it! I'll take care of it!"

Michael leaves and I head to Jim's room to get four front row tickets set aside for Josh. I explain the plan and he makes a call. That was too easy!

To Josh R
4 front row to our show waiting for u. Cara is the photographer. She'll c u and freak

To Josh R
Then we'll come backstage before ur show. Cool?

To Luke
Cool. C u then!

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