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*Cara's POV*

My first day at AIW is tomorrow and I'm really excited and really nervous. I'm starting into my photography classes and I can't wait to get back in the dark room. In a world of digital photography, actual photographic skills have been lost. On film, you have to get it just right. The timing, composition, lighting... You only have one shot. And there's something peaceful about being in darkroom. You can forget all your worries and lock yourself away. Literally.

So why am I nervous? Because TJ goes there for graphic design and when I scheduled my classes, we scheduled a few together. I'm planning on going this afternoon to admissions to try to change those classes asap. I can't believe he had the nerve to text me on New Years. But I'm not giving him the satisfaction of letting it get to me. I'm in love with Michael and he's the only one that matters.

Speaking of!

To my angel
Hey angel! Whatcha up to today?

To Mikey
Running to aiw admissions

To my angel
Y? Classes start tomorrow

To Mikey
Changing a few classes around to avoid a jackass in those classes

To my angel
Oh. Wanna go somewhere when ur done?

To Mikey
A date?

To my angel
Duh! ;-)

To Mikey
Then yes! I'll let u know when I'm done!

To my angel
K. Luv uuuuu

To Mikey
Luv u 2!

After an hour in admissions, I was able to get two of the three classes changed. Oh well. I can survive one English class with him. I hurry home and text Michael that I'm home. He says he'll pick me up in an hour and to dress warm. I take a quick shower, throw on some of my Hollister skinny jeans and a gray Penn State sweatshirt that I bought two sizes too big, intentionally. I throw on my usual light makeup (although I haven't worn any makeup since I've been here, which consists of light foundation, blush, eye liner and neutral colored eye shadow. There's not much I can ever do with my hair since its so curly, so I just leave it down and run some anti-frizz serum in it to control the inevitable frizz.

Just as I finish, the doorbell rings and I run downstairs, phone and wristlet in hand.

Michael takes me to the local ice skating rink and I'm really excited. I haven't been ice skating in years! I'm not a great ice skater, but I can skate. When Michael laces his skates up loosely like sneakers, I can't help but laugh. He's never been ice skating, I take it!

"What's so funny?" he pouts.

"This is your first time ice skating isn't it?" I ask.

"How do you know that? I haven't even stood up yet!"

"Because you'll twist your ankle if you don't lace the skates up.right! Here, let me do it. Tell me if its too tight."

I got his skates on and helped him stand up. "Just walk, you just have to lift your feet up a little higher, that's all." We surprisingly made to to the rink quite easily, then I stepped onto the ice and turned around to look at him. "Do you mind if I take one quick lap around to warm myself up real quick?" I ask.

"Go for it!" he says and I start off around the rink. I return back to Michael a minute later and grab his hand helping him onto the ice. "The easiest way to start out is by just walking, like you did getting over here. It helps you get a feel for the ice." He does really well so I tell him the three basics. "To stop, you put that metal piece at the toe on the ice and drag it. To turn you can either lean or step, to glide, you push off with one foot after the other and just slide."

"That sounds easy!"

"Yeah, it is. Once you get the hang of it..." This is going to be a disaster! I walk with him around the turn and once it's a straight stretch, I turn around and skate backwards while he tries to glide. He goes about 10 feet before losing his balance and plops on his ass. I help him back up and we continue. He goes further and further each time. As we approach the door onto the rink the third time around, he grabs it and steps off the ice.

"Tired already? You did really good for the first time! You only fell 6 times!" I laugh.

"I'm hungry," he grumbles, "And my butt hurts!"

We get back to the bench and remove our skates.

"This didn't quite work out like I thought it would." he says disappointed.

"If it makes you feel any better, I had a great time. Just spending time with you is all I need."

It was a quiet ride home but I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I really did enjoy myself.

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