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*Michael's POV*

As soon as we entered the room backstage, we all started yelling and screaming and jumping around. "That was fucking awesome!" I yelled! A few times I started to get nervous, but as soon as I made eye contact with Cara, she was the only one in the room and the nerves disappeared. I know she loves my solos so I always sang them to her.

The door opens and Cara came in. I just wanted to hug her and kiss her, but the entire band ended up giving her a group hug. She just laughed. "You guys were AWESOME OH MY GOD! They loved you! I knew you could do it!"

As Regan entered and made it to Calum's side, Calum was the one that spoke up, "Yeah, thank you for the pep talk Cara. We really needed that!"

"Look, I know you guys were nervous out there at first," she addressed all of us, "especially you Cal." Calum had a look of panic on his face before she said, "I could see it because I know you guys too well, but don't worry Cal. Regan and I were the only ones out there that knew that. But what I was gonna say is that after a few songs, you guys really loosened up and had FUN. That's what made it stand out!" My mates all started chatting among themselves so I finally could get Cara to myself. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into me. "How did I get so lucky? Thank you so much angel. You really kept me grounded out there." and I connected my lips to hers. After I pulled away, she looked straight in my eyes.

"Mikey, you have been by my side through some of the worst nightmares, literally and figuratively, that I have ever been through. Not once did you ever think about leaving my side, no matter how hard it was on you. Do you honestly think that I wouldn't do the same?' Damn I love her more and more every day! Instead of words that are unnecessary, especially between Cara and I, I kissed her again, moulding my lips to hers, pulling her closer until Ashton coughed intentionally.

"Uh, guys?" he asked hesitantly. "We need to tear down and clear out," "Oh yeah, I got a bit sidetracked," I answered, making Cara giggle.

After we got everything torn down and packed up, Cara and I headed to the townhouse. We all were really sweaty, and 4 guys fighting over one shower sucks. While I was showering, Cara changed for bed and uploaded her pictures off her camera onto her laptop. We sat in her bed for awhile looking through them and I was really impressed. She got some terrific shots. "We actually look like rockstars!" I told her. She pulled up one of me winking right at the camera, at her and she said, "Hot and sexy rockstars! This one is mine! I don't like to share!" She said with a shy grin. She said it jokingly, but I could tell she was serious.

I changed the subject and we started discussing moving dates. We want to do it before the trial in 3 weeks, so I called Marti and she said next weekend would be fine. That gives us a week to settle in before Alex and Jason come out with Cara's car. Then they can have the guest room. They're visiting for a week before the trial begins. Its coming up quick.

"How are you doing with all the trial stuff, angel?" I ask.

"Honest truth?" That's always bad when she says that. I nod my head. "I'm terrified." I pull her in close and big her tight. In know she loves that. A "Mikey hug" she calls it.

"Everything will turn out fine angel. I'm not saying it will be easy. Defense is going to try to turn this around on you. We know that. But you are the strongest person I know. You just stand by the truth and everything will work out."

It is going to be very hard. The DA has told us things the defense will try to turn around on her: she was drunk, she didn't remember it, they were dreams not memories, they avoided him instead of confronting him, she waited two months to report it, no physical evidence... not to mention that they will bring in her past sexual conduct into it. The good thing there is that she was in a longstanding relationship at the time. This is the only time I'm ever greatful for that asshole. Of course our relationship starting so soon after doesn't help. It's going to be ugly. But I promised her from the very beginning that I would be by her side every step of the way, and I meant it.

I look down at Cara to see she fell asleep in my arms. In my "Mikey hug". I slowly slide myself down so I can lay down, still keeping her in my arms. I can't wait to do this every night. I quickly text the guys

To Ash, Cal, Lukey
Next weekend bitches. Time to work those biceps!

I shut off my phone, knowing they're asleep, it's 3am after all, and drift off to sleep.

When I wake up in the morning, I have a text from Ashton

To Mikey, Cal, Luke
Meeting Tues 2pm Details later

Tuesday is Cara's late day at school. She works Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but Tuesdays she has 3 photography classes and often stays in the darkroom or lab until 5 or 6 anyway, so that works well. I just wonder what this is about. I'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, we need to start packing. Packing to move. We're actually doing this. We're moving in together! And I couldn't be happier!

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