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*Cara's POV*

I still am dreading this tour, but I am not going to dwell on what could happen when I have only one month left until he leaves. We agreed last night to make the most of the time the we have left, and that's what I plan on doing.

I called Ashton over my lunch and apologized to him. We talked for awhile and everything seems to be back in its rightful place again.

I'm not spending extra time in the darkroom today after classes. I just want to be with Mikey. As I pull in the driveway, I notice the security guard that is walking towards me.

"Miss Davidson, hello. My name is Dave. I'm here to make sure everything goes smoothly for you and Mr Clifford until tour gets underway." I knew it. They're trying to pacify Michael and honestly don't give two shits about me.

"It's nice to meet you Dave, and please, call me Cara. I'm not a teacher and I'm not old." He cracks a smile and says "Yes ma'am. Now, if you will, I need a list of all family and friends that are automatically permitted access to your premises. I believe it was mentioned that if either of you have any other guests you wish to allow, to let me know as soon as you can?" So business-like. It feels weird.

"Yes, that's correct. Michael and I have comprised a list that we think is complete. I'll grab it right quick," and ran inside to get it. It mainly consisted of the band, Regan, and our immediate local families. That also includes the Hood's, Hemmings', and Irwin's. The band and Regan are the only ones that ever visit anyway.

I put on some music and started working on my photography final projects. I was really engrossed in my project and didn't hear Michael come in and he scared the crap outta me!

"Would you quit doing that?" I squealed. He let out the biggest laugh I've heard since we paid Ashton, Calum and Luke back for crashing my reunion with Alex.

"You're home really early today! What's the occasion?"

"Isn't a girl allowed to come home early to spend time with her hot boyfriend?" I asked while standing up and walking over towards him; referencing an answer he used on me before our trip to Virginia Beach. He caught what I was doing and got an evil grin on his face.

"I am feeling a bit hot right now? You might have to come do something about that."

"It does feel a bit warm in here, doesn't it?" I whisper as I put my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a very heated kiss, making him moan my favorite horny moan.

We take our time, hands roaming each others bodies, memorizing every inch of each other. I lost count of how many times he made me cum, and I am thoroughly spent by the time he reaches his own.

"I'm hungry," he says after a bit.

"You're always hungry!" I laugh at him.

"Yeah, but I'm extra hungry. I just worked up a major appetite!" He winks at me. Only you, Mikey! Then a thought occurs to me. A lightbulb moment.

"At lunch today, I heard some people talking about this place not too far from here, maybe 30 minutes. Apparently its been around for like 80 years and its really cute and good too. You up for it?"

"Food and you is all that matters! Let's go!" Such a teenage boy sometimes! After we shower and get dressed, we climb in my car. I type in the name of it and bring up the directions. Its really simple, so I shut it off and start driving.

It's in a small historic town southwest of us and it's back country roads to get there. All the houses are really secluded from the street, and from each other and really nice. Some of them are like mansions. The further we get away from the metropolitan area, the smaller they become. Even still, the smallest one I see is a moderate size. There are quite a few homes that you can only see the driveway between the trees and nothing else. It is so quiet and secluded back here, I love it.

The houses get closer together closer to the road as we enter into the small town. Oh my god it is so cute! All the businesses look are in what used to be a home. They were all built in the early 1900s and at the center of town is what used to be a train station. I park in the public lot along the train tracks just as a train passes through and I take his hand as we walk past the general store, stopping to read the sign describing its historical significance, then reach the ice cream depot. As we walk down the flagstone path, I wish I had my camera. There's an arbor overhead with vines growing up and overhead, like an entrance to a secret garden. This is so much cuter than I expected. We walk up to the house where the menu is on a chalkboard on the side.

Hotdogs and sandwiches is about all the food they have, but the next board is the fries. Michaels eyes light up at the choices of toppings and seasonings, but when we reach the ice creams, he goes crazy.

"There's like a hundred different flavors! I've never heard of some of these combinations before but they sound so good! How am I supposed to pick?!" He's such a child sometimes, but I love seeing him like this. He's so happy!

It takes him almost 15 minutes to decide and we place our order, then go around to the back to the tables to wait for it to come out to us. It's a fenced in patio with long tables lined with stools on either side.

"We're going to live out here one day angel! You and I, and we're going to take our kids here, and watch the trains pass, and get some four wheelers to go riding around the huge property." I smile at him. I really like that idea, if we can survive tour.

An hour later, we head back to the car. "Oh my god I am so full! That was the biggest chili cheese dog I've ever seen in my life!" I can't stop from laughing at him. He gets so excited over food! And those fries..." He continues to ramble on about the food we just ate as we head home. When we get out of the town and back onto the secluded country road to take us back, he looks out the window at the vast properties.

"I mean it Cara! We're going to live out here one day. You and I are going to start a family out here."

"Let's see how tour works out first, then we can talk about this, okay?" I tell him. I tried to sound happier than I am, but he sees through it.

"We're going to make it angel. There's no other option for me."

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