Chapter 1

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A/N: After a long and hard thinking process, I decided to bring it back. Sorry to doubt this. I'll repost every chapter the way it was.
Ashlyn looked at the station in front of her and smiled. She was finally here. She had butterflies in her stomach as she walked through the bay and to the captain's office.

The captain wasn't in his office so she walked to the kitchen where she heard a lot of people talking. She knocked on the door and the room went silent. "Hi. I'm Ashlyn Gage. I'm the new paramedic," she said with a smile. One of the men got up and shook her hand.

"Hello, Ashlyn, I'm Captain Adam Hayes. This is the crew, Fireman Michael Walters, Fireman/Paramedic Nathan Tanner, Fireman Engineer Travis Matthews, and Fireman Amy Mcallister. You'll be working with Nathan," Adam said as Ashlyn shook hands, "I'll go get your equipment while you socialize." Adam walked out of the kitchen leaving Ashlyn alone with everyone looking at her.

"Let me show you the squad," Nathan said getting up. Ashlyn followed him to the squad where he showed her where everything was. "I have a question for you. You said your last name was Gage. Do you mean like Johnny Gage?"

"Yeah. That's actually my father. He was stationed here before he was promoted to captain," Ashlyn said smiling.

"That's cool! My uncle worked here too. He talked about the crew all the time," Nathan said laughing.

"What was your uncle's name?"

"Chester but everyone called him Chet." Ashlyn's eyes widened.

"Wow! You look nothing like him at all!" she exclaimed causing him to laugh.

"I get that a lot." After they finished going over things in the squad, Ashlyn and Nathan headed back to the kitchen where Adam gave Ashlyn her uniform, turnout gear, and helmet.

"Here. Go put this on," he said as Ashlyn headed to the locker room to put her uniform on.

'Well, the uniforms aren't what I remember seeing mom and dad in,' Ashlyn thought to herself as she finished putting it on. The uniform was navy blue with all patches, badges, and nameplate on the blouse. She walked over to the mirror to make sure everything was in order.

"Station 51, Station 127, Battalion 8, structure fire at Rampart Emergency. Time out-8:21." Ashlyn ran to the squad and got in. Nathan joined her and started it up.

"Station 51, 10-4. KMG 365," Adam said into the mic before getting into the engine. Both trucks rushed out of the bay and onto the street.
At Rampart, the fire was raging. Ashlyn jumped out of the squad and grabbed her turnout gear, helmet, and an oxygen tank. Nathan did the same then headed to Adam for instructions. As Adam was giving directions, a nurse ran out yelling for help. "There's another man in there!" she yelled coughing.

"Tanner! You and Gage go in and get him!" Adam yelled as Nathan and Ashlyn ran into the burning beast.

"Fire department!" Nathan yelled. Ashlyn followed and did the same. They found the man pinned under a piece of debris. It was no other than Dr. Brackett himself. Nathan and Ashlyn worked together to get the debris off of him and carry him out.

Dr. Early and Dixie came to help out with treating him. After they got Dr. Brackett stabilized, Ashlyn helped all she could. She was coughing a lot from the smoke.

The fire was finally put out. Nathan saw Ashlyn coughing and grabbed her by the arm. He sat her down on the back of the squad and gave her an oxygen mask to help her. "Looked like you needed it, Boot," he teased her. Ashlyn smiled. Dixie came over to check on her.

"It just occurred to me who you are. Come here and give me a hug," she said as Nathan stopped Ashlyn from getting up.

"Now, Dix, you know I can't let my patient get up until she is healed," he joked with her. Ashlyn took the mask off.

"Nathan, I'm fine. Hey, Dixie. Long time no see," Ashlyn said hugging Dixie with a smile.

"Alright. You can socialize later, Gage. Come help us clean up," Adam instructed.

"Yes sir. I'm on it. Bye, Dixie," Ashlyn said before running to help out. The emergency wing wasn't in real bad of shape, but it did need a little fixing.

A few hours passed by quickly. The squad and engine finally pulled into the bay with everyone on board exhausted. Ashlyn put her turnout gear back in the compartment it went in then headed to the kitchen. Amy came in a few seconds later.

"I do have to say, Boot, you're a hard worker. That reminds me. I still need to show you where your bunk is. Follow me," Amy said walking out of the kitchen with Ashlyn following.
"I don't know about Ashlyn. I think she has too much pride for the job. She seems nice, but I just don't think she can do her job," Travis said after Ashlyn and Amy left.

"What are you talking about? She's doing great! She tries to help no matter if she is hurt, tired, or coughing up her lungs. She's great at what she does. I honestly can't wait for the next medical run to see her in real action," Nathan said getting a cup out of the cabinet.

"She's headstrong. I give her that much," Adam said taking a seat. Nathan rolled his eyes then took a sip from his drink.

'What do they know? I know she is going to be better than her parents,' Nathan thought taking another sip.

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