Chapter 4

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A week passed. Ashlyn started to get nervous about what Adam would decide. Ashlyn walked into the kitchen to see Travis and Michael talking at the table.

"Hey, Ashlyn, could you check on the food?" Travis said. He smirked over at Michael when Ashlyn turned her back. Ashlyn lifted the lid on the pot and screamed out in pain as hot steam came up her arms, burning them. Nathan ran into the kitchen towards Ashlyn with others following. Ashlyn's arms were shaking from the burns.

"Travis, what happened?" Nathan asked harshly.

"Michael and I were playing a prank on her. There was supposed to be a snake at the bottom of the pot that would scare her. We honestly didn't mean to get her burnt. We didn't turn the stove on!" Travis said with worry. Adam came in and looked at Ashlyn's scorching arms.

"What happened here?" he asked looking at Ashlyn. She was crying at this point from the pain. Nathan stepped in and told him everything Travis had said. "Take her to Rampart and get her checked out. Everyone else, in my office. Now!" he demanded then headed to his office. Ashlyn got in the squad as Nathan told headquarters that they were unavailable. The ride to Rampart was quiet with a few sobs from Ashlyn.
"Well, your arms have only been scalded. The pain should go away soon. Other than that, you should be just fine," Dr. Brackett smiled. Ashlyn gave a little crooked smile. Dixie laughed.

"What?" Ashlyn asked confused.

"Oh nothing. You just reminded me of your father," she said helping Ashlyn up from the table. Ashlyn rolled her eyes as she walked out to a concerned Nathan.

"Everything okay? Is there anything wrong?" he asked as soon as he saw her.

"Oh. Dr. Brackett said that my arms will never heal," Ashlyn joked.

"Really?" Nathan looked at her shocked.

"No. I'm going to be okay. My arms were only scalded. The pain will go away in a little while, but the burn itself will take longer." Nathan let out a sigh of relief. "Was someone worried about me much?" Ashlyn laughed. Nathan rolled his eyes.

"Come on. We've got to head back to the barnyard," Nathan said heading towards the door. Ashlyn followed close behind and got in the squad. Back at the station, everyone was worried about Ashlyn and confused how it happened in the first place. When they heard the squad pull in, they ran into the bay. Ashlyn got out and told them that she was going to be okay then headed for Adam's office to tell him. Adam was doing paperwork when Ashlyn walked in and sat down.

"Cap, I was just going to tell you that they told me it was just minor burns and the pain will go away in a little while," she said as he looked at her straight.

"That's good news. I'm sorry something like this had to happen to you. Evidently, the valve got stuck on Michael's shirt and that's how it turned on," Adam said with disappointment in his voice. Ashlyn nodded.

"It's alright. Accidents happen," she said as the tones went off. The station was toned out to a fire at the local harbor.
"Gage, help me with this line!" Adam yelled as Ashlyn ran to help him. She held his shoulder and held onto the line and guided it where Adam wanted it to go. Adam and Ashlyn got closer and closer to the building.

All of a sudden, a blast came from the building, and it exploded with debris flying everywhere. Ashlyn and Adam were hit by the debris and were pinned to the ground. Adam hit his head and blacked out. Ashlyn fell on her back hard and could barely move. She could hear firefighters yelling for them but she couldn't answer. Her throat was sore. Her eyes started to get heavy with darkness and it soon took over her.
Nathan's POV
I saw the building explode with debris flying everywhere. I watched as Adam and Ashlyn get covered with debris to where they couldn't be seen. I ran to the big pile covering them and started yelling for them. There was no answer. I started searching frantically, but I didn't see anything. Amy came to help with others following. Another station showed up to help finish putting the fire out.

Ashlyn only started a week ago. How could I let this happen to the boot? I was the one in charge of her. It's all my fault. I could have done something. Now she might be dead because of me. Amy saw the stress on my face and put her hand on my shoulder. "We'll find them," she said before going back to moving debris. I nodded then helped. Ashlyn, please be alive.
Back to third person
Ashlyn opened her eyes and batted them once or twice to get dust out of them. She looked to her side to see Adam still pinned and unconscious. Several voices called out for them, but she still couldn't answer.

Ashlyn pushed the big piece of wood that was on top of her off and pulled herself to Adam. She checked his pulse and other vitals. She lost his pulse and attempted to do CPR. Her ribs hurt her really bad, but she trudged on to save Adam. He may not like her, but she wasn't about to let him die. She felt his neck again and smiled as she felt the steady pulse and saw his eyes try to open. "Ashlyn, what happened?" he asked lowly.

"The building exploded and the debris covered us up. They're searching for us, I can't yell," she said with a whisper. He nodded. "Maybe we can move some things around to signal that we're here," she said starting to move some of the debris.

"It's worth a try."

A Girl On Her Own (Emergency! Fanfiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now