Chapter 18

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Ashlyn danced around the kitchen while she cooked. A few months had passed since the accident with Danny. Ashlyn moved pass the guilt of that with the help of Nathan and her crew mates. Though sometimes it's still a sore topic, Ashlyn understood that there was nothing she could have done.

"Having fun there?" Nathan asked in amusement as he watched his girlfriend dance around while mixing ingredients.

"Actually, I am. You should come help," Ashlyn smiled and pulled Nathan into the kitchen to dance. The two danced around and laughed while they cooked lunch.

"I'm loving the dinner show. How about you, Cap?" Amy teased when she saw the paramedics dancing around.

"I'm really loving it, but it would be better with music," Adam said as he pressed play on the stereo. The sound of a bugle filled the room. Ashlyn laughed when she recognized the song.

"How did you guys know?" she asked over the music.

"Your mom. Now, get to singing and dancing," Adam commanded with a smile. Ashlyn smiled and danced along to the song the way she used to with James when they were younger.

He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
He's in the army now, a-blowin' reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
They made him blow a bugle for his Uncle Sam
It really brought him down because he couldn't jam
The captain seemed to understand
Because the next day the cap' went out and drafted a band
And now the company jumps when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
A-toot, a-toot, a-toot-diddelyada-toot
He blows it eight-to-the-bar, in boogie rhythm
He can't blow a note unless the bass and guitar is playin' with 'im
He makes the company jump when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
He was our boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
And when he plays boogie woogie bugle he was busy as a 'bzzz' bee
And when he plays he makes the company jump eight-to-the-bar
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
Toot-toot-toot, toot-diddelyada, toot-diddelyada
Toot, toot, he blows it eight-to-the-bar
He can't blow a note if the bass and guitar isn't with 'im
A-a-a-and the company jumps when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
He puts the boys asleep with boogie every night
And wakes 'em up the same way in the early bright
They clap their hands and stamp their feet
Because they know how he plays when someone gives him a beat
He really breaks it up when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
A-a-a-and the company jumps when he plays reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B!

Halfway through the song, James ran into the kitchen and joined in with Ashlyn. Ashlyn laughed and continued on. She ended the song with a pivot on her foot and a salute. She turned to hug her little brother. "I can't believe you all went through all that trouble just for us to dance!" Ashlyn exclaimed.

"It was worth seeing that smile," James said as he hugged his sister.

"Nothing can ruin this moment!" Ashlyn said with a laugh. The squad was called out interrupting the station's fun. "Except that. That can ruin the moment very easily!" Ashlyn grumbled before running toward the squad. Nathan turned on the lights and sirens and pulled out of the station and onto the street. "What's the rescue?"

"It's an unknown rescue, but it's at your house," Nathan said with worry. Ashlyn gasped and held onto the safety handle tightly. Once they pulled up at the house, Ashlyn jumped out and ran to the house. Daisy was in the living room pacing back and forth.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Ashlyn asked frantically.

"Your father can't catch his breath!" Daisy cried hysterically. Ashlyn ran outside to the squad and grabbed the oxygen tank.

"What's going on?" Nathan asked as he ran beside her.

"Dad can't catch his breath, and mom is in tears," Ashlyn said as she opened the door to her parents' room. She saw her dad laying on his back, wheezing. "Dad, I have an oxygen mask for you. This will help you." Ashlyn helped her dad to sit up in the bed and put the mask on his face. There was a loud thud that came from out in the living room. "Daddy, I'll be right back. I'm going to go see what's happened," Ashlyn said. Johnny nodded in reply. Walking out to the living room, Ashlyn saw Nathan laying on the ground with Daisy wiping his face with a wet cloth. "What happened?" Ashlyn asked as she ran to her partner's aid.

"He just fainted," Daisy said as she wiped Nathan's forehead. Ashlyn smacked Nathan's face lightly, trying to get a reaction from him.

"Oh, hey, Ashlyn. I must have had a heart attack because once I saw you, my heart was going wild," Nathan said with a cheeky smile.

"Jerk. I thought you were actually hurt!" Ashlyn said smacking his chest. Nathan grabbed Ashlyn's hand and sat up. Ashlyn rested on her knees while Nathan rested on one knee. "Come on. We got to get back to dad," Ashlyn said as she tried to get up but was only pulled back down by Nathan. She looked at him with a questioned look until he pulled out a small box causing her to cover her mouth in shock.

"Ashlyn, I know we only met a year ago, but it's been the best year of my life. I may have just done the cheesiest pick up line of the century, but I think with time, I'll get better. I want to be there for you in your ups and downs, when you cut your leg and need a hand to squeeze when getting stitches, and when you need someone to dance around the kitchen with while you cook. I want to be there for you all the time. So, Ashlyn Marie Gage, will you do me a huge favor and marry me?" Nathan asked as he opened the box to reveal a simple engagement ring. Instead of a diamond, the fire department emblem was engraved in the middle of the ring.

"Yes!" Ashlyn exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Nathan's neck. Nathan stood up and spun her around in excitement. Daisy squealed in happiness from behind them causing the couple to laugh. "So this was a set up?"

"Maybe," Nathan trailed off. Ashlyn laughed before kissing him.

"Yeah. You're father and I are excellent actors. Am I right?" Daisy joked before walking into her room to give the newly engaged couple privacy.

"I love you," Ashlyn whispered.

"I love you too," Nathan whispered back.

"I wonder what the bets were this time," Ashlyn teased.

"Guess we'll find out in a few minutes."
A/N: I'm crying. 😭 Okay. I'm good. My tears have been shed. This is the last chapter. (Cue more tears) But! There will be an epilogue!!! Yay!!! 🎉🎉 I just want to thank everyone for the support and comments on this trilogy. In case your confused, THIS IS BOOK 3!!! There's 2 books before this one. Okay? Okay. Now that, that's out of the way, I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I have writing it. THANK YOU!!!

See you in the next adventure!!

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