Chapter 17

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Nathan walked out to the bay to try to get Ashlyn to eat. The young paramedic was mopping like the Queen of England was visiting tomorrow. Her face displayed her emotions like a television screen. Pain, hurt, regret, and dread were all the emotions Nathan could point out. The usually bubbly Ashlyn was long gone and replaced with the depressed Ashlyn. "Hey, Boot. Why don't you put the mop down for a while and come eat?" he asked, trying his best to help.

"I'll pass. I'm still not hungry," Ashlyn replied coldly. Nathan winced at his girlfriend's actions. What has gotten in to her?

"Ashlyn, stop worrying about that boy. It wasn't your fault," Nathan said with a soft tone.

"I can't stop worrying! Because of me, a five year old tried to kill himself! A five year old! How am I supposed to live with knowing that I could've done better; that I could've saved him? I can't keep doing this job without Danny's terrified face popping up in my brain every time I go on a call!" Ashlyn ranted.

"What are you saying?" Nathan asked in almost a whisper.

"I'm quitting," Ashlyn said with a stern tone. Nathan's jaw dropped. It felt like someone just punched him in the gut.

"Ashlyn, you've got to let go of the past. If you don't, you're just going to make a mistake in your future. Don't be stupid and quit something you love to do because of one mistake. It happens. Heck, everyone here at the station has had one bad call before. It's just something we have to deal with," Nathan said as he watched Ashlyn's face, "Just think about it some more before you decide." He started to walk out before he heard Ashlyn make a comment that made him stop in his tracks and his heart drop.

"If you can't support my decision and be there for me, I guess it's over," she said venomously. Tears welled up in her eyes as she started back to mopping. Nathan blinked back the tears that built in his eyes. This isn't Ashlyn. She needs help, and he's going to help give it to her.
Ashlyn laid on the couch in the day room and stared off into space. Nathan and Amy looked at each other in concern. Nathan snapped his head toward the bay when he heard help coming. He smiled and walked over to Ashlyn and kneeled down. "Hey, Ashlyn. There's someone out in the bay that wants to see you," he said in a low voice. Ashlyn looked at him and nodded, getting up to follow him. Her eyes widened when she saw her crew mates standing with a group of people that included her family and Lea, her mom and dad's old crew mates, Brackett, Dixie, Early, and some people she recognized from rescues she went on.

"What's going on?" she asked with confusion.

"Boot, you keep blaming yourself for Danny's death when everyone in the station knows that you did the best that you could do plus more, so I called everyone here that also knows that you can do it. They're also going to be standing by you while you are recovering from all of this mess," Nathan said with a smile. Ashlyn smiled back with tears welling up in her eyes. Nathan pulled her into a hug before turning her back toward the crowd. The little boy that she saved from the tree walked up to her.

"Hi. My name Alex. You're the one that saved me from the tree," he said in a baby voice. Ashlyn smiled and squatted down to his height.

"I am the one that saved you from the tree. My name is Ashlyn," she said in a soft voice.

"I know. My mommy talks about you a lot. She says that you are hero," Alex said causing Ashlyn to look at him confused.

"She thinks I'm a hero?"

"Yeah. You're probably thinkin' about my stepmother. She's the one that yelled at you at the fire. I'm so sorry for her actions. I know it caused you to feel bad," Alex said looking down. Ashlyn took her finger and lifted Alex's chin so he was looking in her eyes.

"Alex, someone very important to me told me that if you worry about the past, you're just going to make a mistake in the future. I took their advice for granted and didn't listen to them. Now, I know what they mean. You don't have to be sorry anymore," Ashlyn pulled Alex in for a hug and looked up at Nathan to see a huge smile plastered on his face. She stood up from the ground and walked to Nathan and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry, Nathan. I've treated you so bad when all you were doing was trying to help," she cried into his shirt. Nathan wrapped his arms around and hugged back, cooing in her ear sweet nothings. Ashlyn leaned back, looked up at Nathan's face, and then kissed him.

"I like your apology," Nathan whispered causing Ashlyn to giggle.

"Hey, Boot, when did this happen?" Chet asked from across the room with an eyebrow arched in question. Ashlyn laughed as she pulled away from Nathan.

"My birthday party," Ashlyn replied as she leaned back onto Nathan.

"Johnny, you didn't let us question him!" Chet whined causing everyone to laugh.

"Take my word for it. He's good," Johnny replied with a smile as he looked down at Daisy, "At least, that's what my wife says." Daisy smacked his arm before walking away from him to go hug her daughter.

"You're so strong," she whispered in Ashlyn's ear, "I'm so proud of you." Ashlyn smiled. At that moment, she knew for sure that with the help of everyone in this room, she would be able to do anything.
A/N: Hi, guys. Don't kill me. I've been sick with Writer's Block, but I finally shook it off. 😁 I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote, comment, and please read Stand My Ground. If you have, great. If you haven't, it's on my profile. 😉 Why are you still reading? Head on over to Cameron Thompson's world!!

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