Chapter 8

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All the crew came in and crashed on their bunks. It was still too early to go to bed, but they were all so tired from the last call. "Ashlyn, when's supper? We're all starved!" Travis asked still laying on the bed. Ashlyn buried her face in her pillow.

"I'll go fix it in a few minutes. Just let me rest," she said dozing off a little bit. She was startled by the phone ringing. No one got up to get it. "I guess I'll get the phone!" She picked up the phone and answered. "LA County Fire Department Station 51. This is Fireman Ashlyn Gage. May I help you?"

"How great it is to hear your voice, cupcake. Dad always said you were a keeper," a deep voice said over the phone.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" Ashlyn asked angrily. The rest of the crew sat up in their bunks. Nathan got up to make sure she was okay.

"You don't remember? Well, you'll know soon enough. You have a beautiful family. It's so sad to see it disappear," the voice said chillingly.

"What do you want from me?"

"I want to finish what my father began," the voice said. The line went dead afterwards. Ashlyn looked at the phone in her hand. Nathan grabbed Ashlyn and pulled her into a hug. She cried into his shirt.

"Ashlyn, what did he say?" Adam kept asking. Nathan helped Ashlyn to the kitchen to sit down then went to talk to Adam. Since he stood next to her, he heard most of the conversation.
"Nathan, why me? What does he want with me?" Ashlyn asked through tears. She cried into his shoulder. As she cried, the tones rang through out the station. Ashlyn dried her tears and calmed down some before getting in the squad.

"Ashlyn, you stay near me unless we absolutely have to separate. Got it?" Nathan asked as he pulled the squad out of the bay.

"Got it. Hopefully, nothing happens this time." Nathan gave a smile then turned his attention back on the call. Once they arrived, Ashlyn stayed either beside Nathan or behind him. While they were working on a victim, a firefighter from another station ran to them.

"We have a child on the West stairway that will need treatment," he said out of breath. Nathan looked at Ashlyn then back at the fireman.

"Can you get a different paramedic? We're in the middle of treating this victim," Nathan tried. His excuse failed.

"There is no time."

"Nathan, I'll be okay. I'll go help them with the child," Ashlyn said getting up. Nathan nodded reluctantly. Ashlyn smiled then followed the fireman.
Once the child was free, Ashlyn grabbed the bio-phone. "Rampart, this is squad 51. How do you read me?"

"Squad 51, we read you loud and clear," Dr. Brackett said as he hit the record button.

"Rampart, we have a male. Approximate age is 8. BP is 120 over 80. Pulse is 80. Respiration is 16." Dr. Brackett gave a confused look toward the base station.

"51, it sounds like everything is normal."

"Rampart, the victim's mother is standing next to me. She says the child's history of asthma is very bad. The victim was exposed to a lot of smoke. Hang on, Rampart. Victim has started wheezing and respiration has increased. Respiration is now too rapid to count." Ashlyn started to work on the little boy to help him breathe easier. Firemen that were near held the mother back so Ashlyn could work.

"What's taking you so long? He's going to die if you don't get a doctor!" the mother yelled from behind Ashlyn.

"Ma'am, right now, I'm the only medical help for your son. I have a doctor on the other line that knows what is going on and is standing by to give assistance. Please let me do my job," Ashlyn said kind of touchy. The mother nodded. Ashlyn got the boy's respiration back to normal and stopped the attack in its tracks. As she was helping ambulance attendees load the boy in the ambulance, Nathan ran to her.

"Does the boy have an IV?" he asked out of breath.

"No. I was just helping with him. Why?"

"Cap is trapped inside. We need to go in now," Nathan said seriously. Ashlyn ran as fast she could to the squad to grab her gear. She put it on quickly then ran inside with Nathan following.

"Cap! Cap!" Ashlyn yelled. She listened closely but only heard the crackle of the fire. Even though he treated her wrong for the longest time, she was still worried about losing him. She yelled again and again with no answer.

Finally, they found him trapped under a beam. His mask was knocked off his face which led to him passing out from smoke inhalation. Ashlyn and Nathan put his arms around their necks and dragged him out of there. Amy and Michael came to help once they reached the exit. Ashlyn let them take over. She was exhausted. She walked behind everyone.

Out of nowhere was a loud bang. Ashlyn felt pain coming from her side just above her hip. She looked down to see a bright red blood stain on her shirt. "Nathan!" she yelled before hitting the ground with defeat. She watched as Nathan's feet got closer and closer to her. "He got me. Why me?" Ashlyn said as Nathan held her in his arms. She turned her head and everything faded to dark.

A Girl On Her Own (Emergency! Fanfiction) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now